
How Network Marketers Are Like Politicians

Let me be brutally honest with you. 95% of network marketers are ANNOYING! I say this not to be mean but just to be honest. I say this with LOVE in my heart because until you're able to understand why so many people hate network marketing you'll never be as successful as you could be.People see network marketers like they see politicians. People who make a lot of big promises and almost never follow through. People who will say just about anything to get you to vote for them/ sign up for their company and then abandon you when they really need you.Now obviously not all network marketers are like this. However, I think that if we really take a good look we would see that a lot of us are.How many times have to pulled out all the stops to get someone to sign up for your company and then once they do you don't talk to them anymore. You just leave them to their own devices expecting that they'll call you if they need help.Well the truth is that most newbies won't call you they'll just end up getting frustrated and give up.If you want to be a great leader and a great network marketer you have to really care about the people that you bring into the business. You have to want success for them just as much as you want success for yourself and you have to do everything possible to make sure they are in the position to win. That is what makes a great leader in network marketing.Also, make sure that when you're trying to get people to sign up for your business that you don't make promises that can't be kept. Don't tell people that they're defiantly going to get rich right away because you don't know that! When you make big promises that you can't carry out you make people become bitter and mistrusting of not just you but ALL network marketers.Many people feel like all of network marketing is a scam because they've met someone who told them a whole bunch of lies to get them to join the business and none of the things they said actually came true.Be a network marketer who does what you say you're going to do and care about the hopes and dreams of the people you're in business with and you will be a great leader in your company.Don't do those things and you'll be like every politician who promises things and doesn't deliver when it matters most.

