
Comparing Direct Sales Vs Multi Level Marketing

If you want to get ahead, if you're tired of living check to check and you've decided it's time to make something for yourself and become self employed, you really have two options if you're looking into online retail. You can either go with direct sales, or you can try an MLM project. When it comes to direct sales vs multi level marketing, the truth is that direct sales are really the way to go for a vast number of reasons. It's not that you can't make money with MLM, but direct selling is much more of a sure thing...Direct Sell Means Earlier ProfitsBecause of the pyramid like structure of multilevel marketing, it could be months or years before your first profit. In fact, if you don't know how to milk it for all it's worth, you might never see any return on your investment whatsoever. It's not that all MLM programs are scams, but there are a lot of scams masquerading as legitimate MLM programs. With direct sales, you simply buy the product and sell it to the customer. This means direct profits and little risk of being conned out of your investment.Direct Selling Means Direct BusinessWhen you sell directly to the customer, they pay money directly to you. Doing this, you're essentially a retailer rather than a cog in a massive wheel of internet entrepreneurs trying to hand off to the next person down the line. This puts more pressure on you to do some real marketing, some real research, but it also makes you much more of a real business owner, rather than just another member of the faceless crowd of marketers.Direct Sales is SimplerIf you look up a definition of multilevel marketing, you probably won't understand it thoroughly no matter how many times you reread the definition. It's... Complicated. There are just so many ins and outs, and you might go along with it for years without really knowing how to turn it into a money making opportunity. With direct sales, you sell. That's it. You sell, and you make a profit.MLM Can Be RiskyA study last year showed that just one in ten marketers in a certain company in the UK actually made any profits whatsoever. Not a good ratio. Not all MLM companies are the same, but the fact remains that many of them will string you along for quite awhile before you're making any money. Not so when it comes to direct sales, which come down to simply getting the product and selling it to customers.Direct Selling Means SELLINGThe focus of MLM isn't really on selling, it's on recruitment. When you have thousands of salesmen and very few customers, then it becomes obvious that the real profit is to be made on the "business owners" and not on a real, legitimate customer base. If you really want to be a business owner, if you really want to make something for yourself, try direct sales.

