
PPC Marketing - Essentially Yours

Today the best way to promote your Essentially Yours network marketing business is to use internet marketing techniques. Gone are the days of simply sitting in coffee shops or knocking on friends' doors - today the internet has really exploded your ability to reach people and target those who are going to be interested in your MLM business opportunity.What is PPC Marketing and what are the Benefits for Your Essentially Yours BusinessPPC marketing means 'pay per click' and is where you only pay for people who literally click through to your website instead of just for views. This means you are paying for real visitors to your website. The advantage of course is that you are not paying for a lack of results and the responsibility for how you handle the traffic is yours.You Need Your Own Essentially Yours WebsiteIn order to use PPC marketing you need a website to send people to. There are many benefits to having your own website for promoting your Essentially Yours business opportunity and products and you definitely want to have your own site for PPC marketing.Creating a Landing Page for Your Business WebsiteThe landing page is the first page that people will see after they click through from your ad and should contain proper keyword optimization to improve the perceived relevancy to the PPC program as well as providing a capture form where you can get people's email addresses to follow up on them.Creating a Good AdWords AdAdWords is perhaps the most popular PPC program available. Creating a good AdWords ad means that you need to summarize in about two lines the benefits and features of your product, exclude people who would not be interested or who you could not service and then compel the right people to visit your page - quite a lot to accomplish in such a small space. The idea is to choose one feature and one benefit, summarize this into a few words which should also contain one of your primary keywords and then give one or two words as a negative qualifier to show who would not be interested.Using PPC marketing to promote your Essentially Yours network marketing business allows you to get targeted traffic which means that you no longer face the same level of rejection in selling products and building your downline. Create a good, keyword-optimized landing page and an AdWords ad that summarizes a feature, benefit and negative qualifier of your site.

