
WAIT! Network Marketers Now Collecting Unemployment

Yes, it's true a few network marketing distributors have some decisions to make after some shocking news from their company iLearning Global. As you may or may not have heard iLearning Global has ceased operating as a network marketing company and going to a more traditional business model.This leaves countless distributors back on the search for a new home based business like most people who was laid off and now collecting unemployment from traditional jobs. As you know iLearning Global is a personal development company which is a must have for everyone. Unfortunately, personal development does not have a good track record in the network marketing industry.Here are a few companies that have tried the network marketing model:TPN - which was soldSuccess University - which closed their doors completelyMasteryTV - which is now a free service with great contentI personally watch the videos on this site and have implemented some of the strategies I've learned into my personal life. There you have three companies, the 3rd strike and now iLearning Global went for a 4th strike and struck out. Now, they have some great content as well which you can never go wrong with Brian Tracy's information on selling and goal setting.Income wise this may be a tragic for many distributors and you may be thinking network marketing doesn't work, know this is just a hurdle you have to overcome. Many top leaders in this industry have went through the same thing and now have created large organization of 50,000+ distributors.To help you on your journey towards your next venture make sure you click the link below to a blog post I wrote about 6 Ways to Choose The Right Home-Based Business. Another great tip is think about the babyboomers what are their needs and what are their desires. Here are a few big industries:1. Health2. Looking Younger3. Education4. Retirement5. Security6. MoneyIf you stick to these industries followed by the right company and leadership team, you will be able to find the success your looking for in the network marketing industry. Stay positive, know that network marketing work and with the internet its going to be that much easier.Best of luck in your business ventures.

