
Network Marketing - Frustrated, But in Need

You do not have to fail in your network marketing opportunity! As is the case with so many people in this day and time, there is the need for added income in our homes due to the economic situations that we faced during this recession. Many homes have gone to one to NO income when they were at one point in time, quite comfortable with two.For various reasons, from childcare expense to tedious commutes, working from home has certainly become the preference of choice. However, with such a huge array of choices and options that bombards us each day in our junk mail folder, how do you go about pursuing the answers to questions like:IS THIS A SCAM OR IS THIS A LEGITIMATE OPPORTUNITY?IS THIS OPPORTUNITY RIGHT FOR ME AND MY CIRCUMSTANCE?HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO BEGIN A REVENUE STREAM THAT I CAN COUNT ON?Very prudent questions that, when the right answers are achieved, can save you a considerable amount of wasted time and money. As so many before you, through the years you may have run from one network marketing opportunity to another looking for the promised "financial independence" that seemingly so few seem to achieve. However, network marketing is not to be discounted because it can and does work, "If You Know How To Work It".So many individuals have been "burned out" using techniques and methodologies for building their business that worked 20 years ago, but not today. What makes this so problematic, is that you tend not to find out the things that are ineffective until you are six months up the road, a couple of thousand dollars in the hole, hours of lost time and many broken or damaged relationships with family members or friends that you approached for the "TENTH" time with another, once in a lifetime, fantastic product or business opportunity.That's enough to make anyone frustrated and shun network marketing. We cannot lose sight of the fact that it is still a highly recommended form of home-based business and can be unimaginably profitable if done correctly and with some good leadership. Let me share with you a few thoughts that may keep you from becoming frustrated again as well as losing the confidence and dream of building and developing your own PROFITABLE home-based business.There are two things that I find to be particularly distinctive in starting, reviving or building to profitability your home based business.Before I share them with you, let me explain the difference in being different. It is the same parallel as that of the hand tool and the power tool. A "regular screwdriver" will certainly get the job done for the task at hand that calls for one. However, you can get so much more done in a quicker period of time by using a "power screwdriver". The same principle applies to the use of the tools that you employ to build your home-based business. This will greatly minimize, if not even eliminate your frustration when you know and understand the tools that the current leaders of this industry are utilizing to achieve success.Now, the two things that I have found be effective in giving me a leading edge as follows:I. Essential ServicesII. Attraction MarketingEssential services are those daily, practical things that people either cannot or will not live without. When times are hard and the budget is tight, people tend to shed luxury and non-essential items that their surplus or discretionary income allowed them to purchase is not there anymore. So things like energy drinks, soaps, vitamins, travel and the like can tend to lose their momentum to cost savings avenues such as your Super Walmart and Cheapticketscom. Often times the products tend to be at a premium price and when you added taxes and shipping cost, the re-occurring sales of those products or some services become a burden, especially when incomes have been trimmed or eliminated by layoffs.With Essential Services, people must have services, such as electric and gas service to their home or business. Home, business or cell phone services rarely make the budget chop list. It makes sense to me to alignment myself with revenue streams from industries or services that will, for all practical purposes, never stop. Secondarily, the market place is endless in that just about every one of the 275 million or so people in the U.S. uses some type of essential service. Consider the health or dental needs individuals. At some point or another, every single person in the U.S. will need this. Energy, wireless telecom and healthcare are all in and of themselves, multi-billion dollar industries. It makes sense to me to alignment myself with businesses that offer products or services that people are willing to make sacrifices for because they "have to have it". This is money that people will spend anyway and not considered to be an added or extra expense.Attraction marketing is that power tool that I was alluding to earlier. The magic here is not having to bother any and everybody that comes within "3 feet" of you about your business opportunity. Using the proper tools and with little to no cost, you can literally have qualified people approaching you. You can honestly have more qualified leads than you know what to do with. These are the things (power tools) that the successful leaders are doing, but for some reason or another keep as a highly guarded secret.People are hurting, losing their jobs and homes, children missing out on their education all because of the lack of money. What makes it so bad is that there is plenty of it out there for you for the getting with just a little time and training. Attraction marketing does not have to be closely guarded secrets anymore. We have to show and teach people how to make it happen and you can do it from the confines of your home without a bunch of hype, just some education.Did you realize that now you can even have your own infomercial without the expenditure of thousands of dollars. This is available to you now at little to no cost. Can you imagine that calls or e-mails you could generate from a single infomercial to a small market of 10,000 people? The remedy to most business woes is traffic, leads or the attraction of interested people that are coming to you for your products, services or opportunity. The first step of avoiding frustration, even before you start your home-based business, network marketing opportunity is to educate yourself. This will save you so much in lost and wasted time and money.FOR ADDITIONAL INSIGHTS ON WHAT MAKES NETWORK MARKETING A LEADING EDGE OPPORTUNITY USING CUTTING EDGE TECHNIQUES, I WOULD HIGHLY RECOMMEND THE BOOK "THE RENEGADE NETWORK MARKETER" BEFORE YOU COMMIT THE TIME TO ANOTHER MLM OPPORTUNITY.I have read many books and this very best book that I could recommend to you for the next successful launch of your business.

