
iLearning Global Shutdown - Why The Company Shut Down - Where to Go From Now

Just as of last week iLearning Global, a MLM company, shutdown for good. Why did this happen? How could a company such as iLearning Global just all of a sudden shut down? In this article would like to talk about these two questions, I would also like to talk about where the people that were involved with this company can turn to.Brief Company ReviewiLearning Global was a multi level marketing company that was founded by Brian Tracy. The company marketed personal development programs and business training products. There products and programs were available in video form, eBooks, live webcasts, and in audio programs. People that bought into the company as representatives promoted the business through direct sales.Shutting DownThe company officially closed on March 17, 2010 due to a lack in market demand and their ability to stay competitive with other similar companies. This is often a problem with companies that market programs and products that are similar to many other companies. The closing of the company is obviously a disappointment to all those who had invested into the company.Where to turnFor all those people that were involved with this company, I would recommend that you look for an online company that is automated and what I like to call "recession proof." It's no secret that we live in tough times, but there have been a lot of companies that have emerged that know how to create success during these times. Right now is a great time to get involved with online business because the market is so hot right now. The internet is the only place on the world where a person can start a business for a couple thousand dollars and still have potential to make a six figure income.

