
Online Network Marketing - Attraction Marketing

Attraction marketing for your online network marketing business has been around for several years. In traditional business attraction marketing has been around forever - they call it marketing, or direct response marketing. The reason why online network marketers get all excited about attraction marketing is that they are used to confrontational promotion and in-your-face hype and aggressive selling. Unfortunately, so much information on the internet does not pass the common sense or 'sniff' test. Everyone looking for any information online should be extremely skeptical about anything they see on the internet. And this is where marketing (or attraction marketing) will work its magic for you.Attraction MarketingExactly what is attraction marketing. Attraction marketing is where you actually have people start contacting you. The people in your target market are reading your message and finding you. At first it may be by accident. They may find an article on one of the article directories, or a blog post, or maybe a video on YouTube. They may have come across your profile on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.Something that you have posted online has struck a chord with them. If you have done your homework, then you will know the needs and concerns of your target market. They will see your words of wisdom as filling a need and come looking for more. And because you are skilled at leaving clues and a trail for them to get tangled up in your brilliance, they will opt-in to your site to make sure they continue to receive your pearls of wisdom.The Golden RuleWhat do you need to do to separate yourself from the crowd? What makes you different from everyone else marketing their wares on the web? I believe it is important to treat others like you would like to be treated. Most people can sense when the people they meet are sincere, or just feeding them a line to try and sell them something. Think about your own situation. Can you tell when someone genuinely cares about what you want, or if they are just trying to move some product?How can you provide value to your target market? Will what you have to offer make their life better? The truly brilliant marketers will give out 'samples'. This is better than a money back guarantee. By providing free information (in exchange for a name and email), you are encouraging your target market to get to know you, like you, and trust you. And it generally takes several interactions for your prospect to reach the point where they are comfortable with you. You have treated them well, provided valuable information, and possibly helped solve some problems for them.Riches in NichesOne of the challenges we have in online network marketing is zeroing in on our target. And this is a challenge for any business owner - who do we want to attract as our ideal prospect? A common mistake is to try to be everything to everybody. Ask yourself, "Who do I have the perfect solution for? Who would be my ideal customer?" If you are marketing a weight loss product, would it make sense to narrow your focus to just men or just women? If you decided on women, would it make sense to specialize in helping new moms shape up or would you prefer to focus on baby boomer women and helping them face issues unique to them.In this example, can you see how the marketing message would be very different depending on who you are targeting? The further you drill down, the better the connection will be. Once you have your niche narrowed down, it becomes much easier to fine tune the message. You can research the specific issues and concerns that your niche is facing. You can build your story to identify with and help your new customers. Show them that you understand what they are going through and that you can help them. The challenge is in identifying a niche that is consistent with your values and passion; and the reward is sharing yourself and your business with your new best customers.

