
The Three Reasons 97% of Network Marketers Are Frustrated

There are plenty of reasons network marketers are frustrated with their business as well as their downline. However these three reasons that I'm about to give you are absolutely critical to your success in network marketing.Mistake 1: Selling To Your Warm MarketThis is one of the most horrible things that you can do as a network marketer. Selling to your warm market is an absolute NO! Besides the fact that when you do this you immediately put an immense awkward pressure who truly loves you dearly yet have not made any intention on joining your business regardless of your product or compensation plan (by the way the best way to recruit family is for them to see you successful in what you are promoting). The other part about this is that statistically speaking only one out of a hundred people are going to join your team (family or not). So unless you have an extra large family save your self the pain of being rejected by the people close to you.Mistake 2: Sending information to people who don't want itThis is a bit simple actually and most people seem to just ignore it. This is a problem we have in business in general, people sell what they want to sell. Well if you shouldn't be selling what you want to sell what should you sell? Simple, you sell what the market is buying. Most people pick a product or business based on what THEY like not what the market likes. Just cause you think its a great idea doesn't mean the market does and the market is always right.Mistake 3: Not Investing In Education Here's the absolute most serious problem in network marketing. This is not a job, you cannot get rich just coasting through doing what you've always done. And you cannot get successful by what you know now because if you could you'd already be rich. Start reading success books and self help CD's I know it sounds corny, but every rich person I know does it and NO poor person I know does it either so make your pick.

