
Will Your Advice Benefit and Profit Me Or You?

I remember hearing of a story about South African poet and painter Breyten Breytenback. The story goes like this... a Black man named Freedom, who was the property of a one-legged slave owner before the end and nullification of slavery, was always given the left shoe of his slave owner when he would purchase a new pair. His slave owner could not use the left show because of his disability and felt he was being generous to Freedom. Eventually and unfortunately, because Freedom wore two left shoes it lead to Freedom's right foot becoming disfigured and deformed. This left Freedom permanently crippled by the benevolence of his master.Don't be conned by people who attempt to further their own interests under the pretense of helping you. Sure, listen to the direction from others, thank them for their interest, however it will be more advantageous for you to make your own decisions regarding what best suits your needs. Adhere to their advice if it fits with your plan for your life goals. Listen to your gut feeling, it usually knows best, discard the advice and help if it doesn't connect with you. You know there is only one who knows what is best for you. That person is none other than you.Now let me ask this, when you are seeking guidance for your online business, who do you think you should trust to provide that information, training and education? Lets look, there are many offering to help you but who does it really benefit?For our purpose today the definition of profit is to increase in knowledge from the advice of others. This definition of profit as an increase in knowledge from the advice of others, we can sum up like this:...as network marketers we all seek to increase our own knowledge-in the best way that we know to make it profitable for us and from the best possible source and resources. Each network marketer is doing what he wants, with his own limited resources. In terms of the resources, he has to either pay for the extra help and advice, or receive the information sought after for free.For one, this may mean being able to afford to pay for the knowledge and advice and for another he may have to seek free advice to further his knowledge of network marketing skills. What does it mean to the person who has the knowledge and skills to share? For one man he will have is hand out willingly accepting the money you slip his way. This person feels good to be able to offer you a service for a price. For some, though, it may be to satisfy his humanitarian desires by doing good works for others asking for nothing in return except a thank you. In any case, someone will profit.In my experience I find that the individual who receives something for free appreciates it far more than those who pay. Consequently, the person who freely gives of himself and what he knows, could be seen as a go-giver or martyr (one who is giving and sacrificing for others without an agenda or thought for himself), and does so because it makes him feel good.When you are looking for resources, advice or help for your MLM business...do your due diligence and ask yourself, how does this benefit or profit me and how will my response to the advice offered benefit or profit him? You CAN find many who are go-givers and will provide all the answers and advice you are searching for just because it gives them joy to be able to help YOU! It makes them feel good as a benevolist and for no other reason than just that, helping others. Paying for a service rendered does not make it superior to the same service offered for free.Examine the actions of the go-giver and then the person who has his hand out profiting (filing his pocket book) on every recommendation that is made to you. Dig deep and uncover the motives for each of their acts, discover why each wants to do as he does. Who will you respect in the future? It is very clear that others are seeking their own profits at the same time as you. I heard this old saying I would like to leave you with, one man's gain must be another man's loss. I don't think so. Why?What pleases and makes one person happy is not always going to please and make the next person happy. Two individuals, with different values or goals, can arrange a win, win exchange between them that will satisfy both. Everyone is happy. Neither will have to have their right foot crippled.To your successDarlene Mills

