
Network Marketing Requires a Promise, Not a Goal!

"The wonders of positive thinking."Today it is more of a struggle to remain positive as many have lost their jobs, their homes, their way of life. Negativity is breeding a whole new society. The 'hope' for tomorrow is replaced with the 'need' for today.Those in the marketing trade, whether on line or off line, find themselves focusing on desperation. Cries of woe are permeating the airwaves more and more as negativity grows. It is as though negativity is becoming the new commerce of today.Yet, as a Network Marketer, I sit here with the television off listening to jazz-fusion music and my mind is filled with creative thoughts. The power that is within all of our minds is not being tapped or utilized to the fullest.Have you heard that "our thoughts create our lives?" What we think will attract what we receive? This is touted by positive thinkers within books, programs and mind mappers everywhere.But how does a person strengthen the mind with so many negative distractions?Your environment can create your mindset. You have control over many elements you place around you and if you choose to be in a negative mindset, you shall receive negative energy. As a Network or Internet marketer, this energy will turn your marketing message away from what must be focused on.If you work at home trying to build your business, these negative thoughts must be eliminated. But how is one to accomplish this when no money is coming in? When no one is visiting your site? When no one is clicking your ads?These are tough questions since most are going at it alone. No reinforcing energy is being displayed by mentors, or others, to encourage and move you forward. The end dream of financial freedom or a successful business becomes more of a struggle and you find yourself doing less.You must, as a Network Marketer, challenge yourself to think, to place positive thoughts in the forefront of your mind and make your marketing mindset focused. If you have a dream to win and you have put forth a plan to achieve it, writing out a "promise" to yourself can reinforce the actions necessary to obtain it."What you think is what you can accomplish." Power your mindset with mini-promises to yourself that must be obtained will assist in doing so. If we set 'goals', they are accomplished less due to the fact that many of our goals aren't being accomplished. Maybe we set the bar too high when making goals but if they are turned into promises, we are more likely to accomplish.A promise made to our loved ones or friends requires us to do all we can to fulfill them. When we promise to do, we believe that we must do or we not only let them down, we have let ourselves down.Placing yourself in an environment that promotes positive actions by writing down, in front of you, several promises, creates in your mind the need to complete the tasks necessary to keep the promise you have made.I challenge you to go back to your goals list and change the first words to, "I promise to..." for each one. Write them out on paper, each promise, and make it a habit to re-read them daily. Before long, you will accomplish more of what you promise; to yourself and to others."Promises can be challenges to Ourselves."

