
What is Network Marketing? A Guide For Those New to This at Home Business Opportunity

When I started my first network marketing opportunity, I really didn't know what I was getting myself into. I had never even heard the phrase uttered before in my entire life. It seems silly when I look back on it now, but if my upline didn't tell me what it was, then how was I to know?Thank God for the internet! I decided to venture out on my own to find out what exactly I had gotten myself into.Multi-level-marketing, or network marketing, is a marketing model implemented by some companies to save on advertising costs. It is a powerful tool because it is a way for companies to reach customers they would not have otherwise been able to market to.The company uses individual contractors, also known as distributors, to market their product. In exchange for this service, the company pays the distributor a commission for the products that they sell.Not only does the distributor get paid to sign up new customers, but they also get a commission for signing up new distributors. Sometimes the original distributor gets a commission for the new distributor's sales.When the original distributor signs up a few more distributors, this is known as their downline. The downline is all of the distributors that one recruits. Some companies limit the amount of new recruits one distributor can have. Others do not.The great thing about network marketing is that all of the distributors help each other succeed. It is in their best interest. With such great support, this can be a great opportunity for those who are serious about starting their own business.

