
Best MLM Company - Choose the Right Fit For You

It is difficult to choose which Network Marketing company is best for you, especially as there are hundreds to look at. Nobody else can tell you what will work for you, but here are some points to think about when you are deciding which one to make your home.1. Company management - do the members of the management team have experience as distributors? If not, they will not understand the challenges you face and they may make decisions from a corporate perspective rather than from that of the distributors. I would go a step further and suggest that they should still be actively building a downline. The MLM industry is changing so rapidly that they will be out of touch with the current demands of building a business if they are not still active. The bottom line is that the company is there to serve and pay the distributor. Without you, they do not exist. Don't be bamboozled by a flash corporate headquarters, private company jets and the like - that is taking money that should be in your pocket.2. Timing in the industry - over 90% of companies fail within two years and most of the remaining 10% do not last past five years. So should you join a new company? Well someone has to and opinions differ but it is a big risk, so have a plan B. Don't fall for the hype about a 'ground floor' opportunity; it will never be as good as at the beginning etc. Any business should get better as time goes by and it becomes well established. Mind you there may be a kind of plateau point, but that won't be reached for at least fifteen years in most cases.3. Great products at value prices - you need a really good product, but most companies do have them or they would not survive. What about value prices? Just consider whether you would buy the product if you were not a distributor. If you wouldn't, how easy will it be to build a customer base? Remember that to create residual income you need a repeat sale product, selling every month.4. Compensation plan - this is not a level playing field. Crunch the numbers to work out how many people you will need in your team actively ordering product to earn ten thousand dollars a month. That will include distributors and regular customers. The lowest figure in the industry is around four hundred and it can be well above ten thousand. The average is about fifteen hundred. Consider also the type of plan you will be working with. Someone who works well in a 'Stair Step Breakaway' may not be suited to a 'Matrix' plan.5. A system to build your business - and I do not mean being told to make a list of everyone you know! You need a team, a mentor and a coach to work with you. If there is not something in place, provided by the company, can you find established distributors who will give you this?There is a very high failure rate among people who try to build a network marketing business. For sure some people are just not suited to the entrepreneurial life. Round pegs don't go in square holes. But the above factors have a bearing as well, so do your due diligence and find a good fit.

