
What's Working Now? How to Recruit Online in 2010 and Beyond

I started my online home business a little more than 5 years ago back in 2004, and what worked then, certainly isn't what's working now. The entire game has changed. Since my business is based on creating and sharing what's working into today's marketing world by video and predominantly for free, let me bring you up to speed.Back in 2004 Google flat out ran things. If you wanted to start a home business you flat out needed to know how to use Google because they literally have almost all of the eyeballs online. Today, there are new competitor that are challenging Google for those eyeballs in their own very unique ways.If you want to know what's working now, it's a good idea that you study hard what I'm about to share with you. Sure there are tons of players out there, but the biggest two contenders for eyeballs online that Google is flat out scared of are:YouTube: Believe it or not, more people search for things in YouTube than they do in Google. I know I personally do. If want to learn something I'd rather find a video that shows me how than some cryptic website that may or may not provide me with the information I'm seeking. In other words, it's a good idea to understand and use YouTube to get eyeballs on your stuff. The great thing about YouTube is it's free.Facebook: People spend vastly more time these days on their Facebook pages than they do in Google searching for stuff. It makes sense Facebook is like your online home. It's where people hang out. Let me give you an example. When I go to online marketing seminars I don't give out cards anymore. When people ask me I simple say "friend me on Facebook." It's getting to the point, at least here in the US, where almost all American's have a Facebook account. I wouldn't be surprised if within the next 5 years they all do. Where Google is more like a roadmap to get anywhere you want to go. Do you spend more time at home or on the road? So, it's a good idea to spend some time on Facebook and really learn how it works.So now that the stage is set, let me share with you, in a marketing sense, what's REALLY working well online, at least for me (I guy who's made several millions online and who's recruited a little over 3,851 people in the last five years.)I'll break this information down into three parts, traffic and leads, relationships, and converting recruits so it all makes sense to you.Traffic and Leads: As far as traffic and leads are concerned from the standpoint of a guy who generated 400 to 2500 leads daily, pay per click in Google, Yahoo, and Bing are still strong players. In fact, I love the new way AdWords has it's content network laid out. There are more ways to make the content network work than 99% of people out there know. By my stats, my highest ROIs come from little content network ads, not the search network (hint... hint...).But that's not all, things like banner ads are making a resurgence. Here's an example. I placed a little $150 banner ad on a site last month and made over $2000 from it. Not bad for ROI and with the technological advances in ad networks banners are cheaper, easier, and more profitable than ever before.I know I've got some free traffic readers right now, so let me just tell you articles and videos work like a complete charm if used correctly. All that's required is a little elbow grease and patience to make them really work for you.I could go on and on, so let me stop myself there on the traffic and leads front and move onto relationships...Relationships: Building relationships online the right way is the difference between a marginally successful business and a million dollar plus business, and so it would be a good idea to focus some time on them if you're concerned about what's working now online.First off good old email still flat out works, so use it. What's most important here is that you're extremely consistent in your actions, let people unsubscribe easily, and share amazing value. If you really want to drive your ROI through the roof do two things. One get on my mailing list and model what I do, and Two, simple send two emails a day.Now here's what's really working on the relationship building front. Fully and complete transparency in your message. Even though the internet is still a teenage by age your prospects are done with hype. Share what you know fully and transparently and just watch how people react to you. It's like magic. It's refreshing to your prospects and sets you apart like nothing money could buy.Here's how to take it to the next level. Email alone is cool, but mix it up with videos, teleseminars, and live webinars, and just watch out. You can get an InstantTeleseminar account for like $67 a month and hold as many teleseminars as you want. You can get a GoToMeetings account for about $99 a month and again you can do as many webinars as you want. It would be a good idea to do as many as humanly possible of both.But, I'm not talking sales teleseminars or webinars, I'm talking full transparency, you being you, and just sharing cool stuff. It's magnetic in a way that no one particular sales technique could ever match.Let's get to conversion, and recruiting.This is the simplest of them all. Today, it's not about high pressure trickery. Back in the day, we all bought our generic leads, pulled up our trusty script and hoped for results. Not anymore. What's working now as far as recruiting is concerned is massive and maximum leverage.Let me explain... If you're doing your job bringing in leads daily, at least 50 per day (pretty easy with all the options we have), and you're building relationships with full transparency, what you've essentially done is created a competition proof vacuum in your marketplace. Your leads love you and your information, they can't get enough and they're sitting on the edge of their seat waiting patiently for you to let them in.All you've got to do is open the door. Now, when you have leverage like this, you're building your list of prospects large and sharing priceless value daily you hit send on that email that says "here's where we can work closely together one on one" and just sit back and watch what happens. Last time I did this, I recruited about 1463 people in a week. It's that powerful.By the way, I never formally introduced myself. My name is Daegan, I'm pretty good at this online marketing thing, and I if you liked what you just read you're going to love what I share for free daily via, you guessed it, email. Check the resource box below to get my daily free what's working now online videos and tutorials. You'll love them.

