
Mona Via MLM - Legit?

This is a review of the Mova Vie (MV) product and the MLM associated with it. MV is a "health" drink that's main ingredient is the acai berry. The acai berry is an inch-long reddish, purple fruit. It comes from the acai palm tree (Euterpe oleracea), which is native to Central and South America. It is a relative of the blueberry, cranberry, and other dark purple fruits. The founder of the MV has "perfected" a technique of freeze drying the Acai Berry to ensure it is of the highest caliber when it is to be bottled following it's trek to the manufacturer after being picked. MV claims to have double gross profits up in the hundreds of millions in the past 24 months. While these numbers are staggering, Mona Via is privately held which means those numbers are not being released to the public.Among some of the benefits MV claims it's users will have are:Potent antioxidant protection against free radicals. Nutritional benefits for all ages Contains antioxidant polyphenols, which studies suggest may play an important role in long-term health.Within the MV name are a few different types of MV juice, all involving the acai berry which claim to promote immune building and energy boosts.To become a member, or distributor of the MV product, an individual must be put on the product distribution list. A bottle of MV runs for about $40. A bulk order is a bit cheaper and the price goes down the bigger bulk order you have (I won't go into all the particulars as this is simply a review). At this point, you can begin recruiting others to join in to become monthly distributors. As you add people on, you accumulate credits and points. The more people you get, the more income you can earn. Also, Mona Vie offers the ability to build "legs" underneath you. You grow each of your legs as you move on, where then you can also earn on the people you brought on as distributors growing their business. It is important to keep adding to both legs in order to maximize return.MV mentions "health experts" as the one's who are stating the benefits, and we do not know what their definition of an expert is. Per WebMD, in theory, antioxidants may help prevent diseases caused by oxidative stress such as heart disease and cancer, but it is not proven and acai berries have no known health benefit that's any different than that of other similar fruits.So, my final take on the MV phenomenon is this. If people try it and like it and feel it betters them, then absolutely drink it. And in today's market, where everyone is always looking to try different ways to feel better and age gracefully, having a product that claims to do that is a great marketing tool. The product was also endorsed by Oprah and Rachel Ray, so it has some celebrity backing. When Googling MV, you are hard pressed to find real concrete negative information about the actual product itself, just that many of its claims are not scientifically proven.This is a legitimate company with legitimate ownership in which you can make money if you can bring in a lot of people. However, due to the high cost of the product on a monthly basis, and the fact you are having to sell to a limited demographic of people, it may not be an easy sell.

