
Network Marketing Leads - Is a High Profit Margin Good For MLM Lead Brokers?

What I am about to reveal to you may infuriate you to the point where you will consider the inescapable conclusion that you are better off generating your own network marketing leads. Are you aware that there are many MLM lead brokers who are not in the business of generating leads for their clients? What they actually do is buy leads from leading discount brokers. Then they turn around and sell them to you for a profit. The profit they earn on the sale of the lead is ridiculously astronomical that it boggles my mind. What is interesting is that there are a few network marketers who are going into the business of selling MLM leads to prospects to earn an additional income stream.If You Are Buying Leads - What Are You Paying?Most likely you are paying a lot of money especially if you do not really know how they are generated. Most buyers don't even bother to question those lead brokers about their network marketing lead generation methodology. You can expect yourself to be paying in the range from $1-$5 per lead depending on the quality of the source. Most people don't mind paying such high prices because their justification for doing so is reflected in their trust of the testimonials and success stories of those who have already bought leads from those companies.So this is proof that testimonials do a really good job selling. And how can one resist the offer of the bad leads replacement policy? In other words, you can easily have the company send you free replacement leads if the ones you currently have were determined to be bad.Fact: There Are MLM Lead Generation Companies Started By Network Marketers Just For Network MarketersYou would think that there is no better trusted source for the purchase of high quality network marketing leads than one that was created by someone who has already walked a thousand miles in your MLM prospecting shoes. This is really true especially if you are trying to get maximum leverage from the quality of those leads through a training program that is set up to teach their customers the art and science of telephone prospecting and follow-up.There are a few internet network marketers who have already built up a reputation as an effective lead generation expert for their own business that they decided to get into the business of selling packages of leads to their customers for a profit. Rachel Long is a classic example of a highly successful network marketer who sells leads packages as high up in the $10,000 per month range for 100,000 MLM leads.Whether she generates them herself remains unknown as there is a possibility that she could have bought them at a huge discount and resell them to her clients for profit. Most people buy them because of her overall credibility. So if you are already good at network marketing lead generation, why not launch your own company that is designed to help your downline members.

