
What to Look For in a (MLM) Multilevel Marketing Company

If you take the time to properly research any MLM multilevel marketing company before joining your chances of success dramatically increases. It will be important to find the best fit for your needs and goals. By applying a little persistence and patience you can make an intelligent and informative decision. In this article I am going to address some key things you should look for in a multilevel marketing company and what to avoid.The first thing you need to look at is their marketing system; you will need access to a marketing system if you want to experience any kind of success. Take a look at how they market their opportunity and see if it is a fit for you.What to look for:* Do they only use online marketing methods?* Will you have access to pre-designed landing pages "and can you edit them"?* Is their an auto responder?* What kind of training is provided?* What marketing methods do they use? I.E. Web 2.0, PPC, postcards, solo adsTake an inventory of your current skill level and see if there is a match. Remember, MLM is about duplication, so make sure that other distributors will be able to use the system and achieve success.OK, now that you have looked at the marketing system, it is time to address the companies comp plan. There is lots of different multilevel marketing comp plans available, matrix, binary and forced matrix just to name a few. The key is to crunch some numbers in order to see how long it may take to achieve the kind of success you desire. For example, recruiting 10 people in one company may generate only $100, but it may be easier to get new distributors. While another company your commissions would be $1,000, but your signup ratio is lower. Find what you're most comfortable with.Finally, look at the multilevel marketing companies support. You will need support both from your sponsor and your upline. This is one journey you do not want to take alone. Do they return phone calls? or respond to emails?. Look for multiple responses from your possible upline and sponsor. Test the water before joining, as it will become crystal clear rather quickly if the support is in place and your potential sponsor practices servant sponsoring.Invest in yourself and take the time to properly research any multilevel marketing company you are considering joining. Be patient, ask lots of questions and you can be successful in selecting just the right MLM fit for you.To Your Success,Gerald Stidham

