
RV in Style! Can a Home-Based-Business Help?

Are you a full time RVer, a part time a RVer, or are you closing in on retirement and seriously thinking about RVing?If you are, the most usual consideration is MONEY! The almost always questions that come up are:• Will we have enough money to live on?• What can we do about the economy?• Will my retirement fund last long enough?• Will I have to skimp?We have been full-time RVers for almost 6 years now and have asked the same questions and came up with many different answers.• Get a part time job at some interesting location like Walk Disney World in the winter or Dollywood in the summer.• Volunteer at a national or state park.• Try workamping. Work at a campground in exchange for a free site and in some cases pay for extra hours worked.• Don't travel so much.• Cut out golf.• Stay at second or third rate campgrounds.• Try a home-based business.In our six years we have tried a few.• We tried workamping, having both good and bad experiences.• We got a part time job in the winter at Walt Disney World. Yes, we were "characters" just not that kind of a character.• We stayed at a few really sleazy places because the rent was cheap. One place we could hardly open our door without hitting the RV next to us, and they had the nerve to call the place a RV resort. HAH!• For a time we were always looking for cheap places to eat out as always cooking at home can be tiring.• We discovered a home based-business, actually a successful home-based business. Not another MLM we said. Our friends and family are never interested in our "crazy opportunities". It never works! We don't know enough people. We are not going to chase down people at the malls. We are not going to cold call.You won't have to do any of those things, we saw, because the marketing system consistently attracts leads. This is what we really were looking for. A way we could learn how to attract business partners rather than chase after them. Yes, it was the way for us to RV in style with no more cheap campsites, no more workamping, no more cheap restaurants and finally no more cheap beer!

