
Think Before Joining Any MLM

Every networker is proud of his/her company as the best company. But as per my opinion, most of the networkers start believing that their company is best after joining the company because they have been introduced to the company bytheir friends/relatives.But normally it is not so when we buy any goods for our purpose. For example, if we want to buy a car, we will buy the car of our choice even though we consult our friends because we want to have the best of the best.Why don't we apply the same logic when we chose a MLM company because we can not afford to change the MLM company as per our wish because it involves the best interests of our near and dear ones. Isn't it?According to me, any person who wants to get into MLM business, should look at the following factors:1. Company - company should be a market leader in the products/services it delivers.2. Management - Management should have solid experience in MLM before starting MLM business.3. Products should be owned by the company - This is very very important as when a company starts distributing the products of other companies, it does not have any stake in the business.4. Global market - The company's market should not be restricted to a single country. This is more so in the case of physical products. If the company has virtual products, it offers a global opportunity.5. Rules and regulations of the country about MLM - The company should be from a country in which there are very strict rules and regulations about MLM, like USA etc.I am proud to say I am part of a Multi National Company which satisfies all these conditions, which I considered before joining this company.

