
Three Basic Network Marketing Qualifications

There has been a lot of rumbling around the network marketing world this week with the closing of one of the industry giants and what and where those affiliates do and go is unclear. I can tell you that it should be based on three very basic qualifications of the new company they choose to join. As a good follower I researched the heck out of where I was going to go. I am a newbie- 1 year in the network marketing business. I come from an investment and real estate background. I found it fairly easy to get started- but I had the company targeted. I didn't just Forest Gump into a career because I did my due diligence and looked at a lot of companies. What did I look for in a company and its leaders?Three basic things.1. I looked specifically for a company that offers a product that is new and can not be copied or put on a Mart shelf. I know enough about science and design to know what is legitimate compared to a smoke and mirror show. The product must help people and fill an emerging niche. Who wants more of the same old song?2. I looked for a company that already had leadership in place. I want to climb in the company and want others there who know what the path to climb looks like but most importantly I wanted accessible trainers and leaders.3. Training as part of the system. I was new as I said before and I was not naive in thinking I know it all. I knew nothing- other than residual income is the best income for now and for ever.A product, a leadership path and training as the ingredients of your choice and you cant go wrong. Research these elements and you can reach a position fairly fast. I personally locked arms with the number 3 enroller in the company and the rest is going to be history. He set me up with the best lead generating system and has been a rock to lean on and learn from. I found and know I would be lost and struggling without the guidance I have and still receive. If you have read this and it makes sense "good on ya"- because it has worked for me. I wish you the best in your search.. Remember that it is not the speed that you take the journey- it is in what direction that you take that first step that determines your destination and success.

