
A New Kind of Network Marketing Opportunity

There's a new multilevel marketing game in town:network marketing has always been the business of marketing products or services to persons. It was born with that in mind. It has grown that way too.But here's a new approach:instead of merely marketing products/services to individuals, why don't you additionally market ideas, concepts and success into people? I can hear you saying "I'm confused, what do you mean by that?" What I mean is that maybe there must be a superior technique of growing your downline. A much better way. Maybe that's how that was supposed to be from the start. But perhaps the MLM world at large wasn't set for that. Or could it be that there was no guru capable of accomplishing anything of long-lasting value?So, how about increasing the person's capacity to be so that they can then do and ultimately have what they want? How about increasing their self-image? How about selling individuals back to themselves? And lastly - at least for today - how about coming up with a method that gives individuals all the control they have lost throughout the years?In my opinion, modest opinion, there's something you need to try out immediately. Go and communicate to your mentor, your upline or whoever is responsible for your MLM growth and tell him that the time for a change has come.You need to raise your (be), know what you are capable of being, in order to get into action (do) so you can have what your looking for: downline growth (have). Think about it. It works!

