
Network Marketing Leads - Rags to Riches True Story of Duplicatable Lead Generation Techniques

To succeed in network marketing, you constantly need leads for your business. How you go about your lead generation business can be quite challenging given the massive numbers of ways on how one can accomplish that task. What I am going to reveal to you is a simpler approach that anyone with no technical skills can use right away. This lead generating secret was used by a legendary mail order marketer who is a real life rags to riches story known for his remarkable feat of turning a $300 classified ad investment and rolled it out to the tens of million of dollars. If you want to learn about who this highly successful mail order marketer is, stay focused.Can You Duplicate The Success of This Rags To Riches True Story?As a matter of fact, according to this legendary mail order marketer by the name of T.J. Rholeder, anyone can do it if they have the desire and persistence to do so. For those who are not familiar with T.J. Rholeder, he came from a background just like you and I. Back in the mid 80's, he was constantly responding to money making opportunity offers being run in home business opportunity magazines. After sending away his money for a few programs, he finally settled on one that really caught his attention. It involved making money at home in mail order.To make a long story short, he didn't just buy one course on the subject of mail order business. He spent a lot of his money on them so he can educate himself on the basic fundamentals of mail order success. He got started by placing his first classified ad in a local paper on a $300 investment.As it turns out, this $300 came from the proceeds of the used car he had to unfortunately sell. That is how broke he was at the time. He took a calculated risk in running this classified ad because his observation told him that the publication gets a decent number of readership and the response rates to the money making opportunities categories were pretty reasonable.How Did T. J. Rholeder Make 10 Million Dollars On This $300 Classified Ad Placement?There are a lot of online marketers who still do not understand the compound principle. The principle is no different than the concept of compound interest in your bank account. T.J. Rholeder was simply taking the proceeds from the sales he made from his first classified ad and reinvesting it back into more classified ads. Think of this strategy as diversifying your investment portfolio for stock market investments. You don't just want to buy one winning stock. You want to buy as many of them as possible. That is how Warren Buffet got rich.Fact: This Classified Ad Strategy Was Used Initially As a Leads Generating SystemT. J. Rholeder's success did not come from the sales of his classified ads. It may shock you that he only used them for the purpose of generating more leads for his mail order business. So can you now see how important leads are to anyone's business? Leads are the lifeblood of the business and without them, you are not in business.Can you see yourself implementing these exact same strategies into the process of generating more network marketing leads for yourself and your team? Do not under estimate the remarkable power of this basic paid classified ad strategy coming from an average Joe with no computer or technical skills who took a calculated risk by selling his own car just to place that first ad that would literally transform his life.

