
The Economic Recession is Not the End of the Road For America!

We cannot fool ourselves much longer. There is a recession happening in America. It is happening right now. I don't know about your town but when I look around mine, I see businesses closing down. Yesterday they had signs of life and they were thriving. Today they are no more. Large corporations like Circuit City and GM are bankrupt. How can that be? In September of 2009 Time Magazine begged the question "Is the World Spiraling Towards Bankruptcy?"With every business that closes, more people become unemployed. More people are standing in the unemployment line every day. Despite the decline in our capacity to earn an income, prices are climbing. The bare necessities cost more than they ever have before. The economic recession has hit this nation hard. It may be too late for the Government Bailout to save us now. In fact our options for financial recovery and survival, along with our hope, are diminishing every day; every minute.This is what I know. If we focus on these chilling facts on a daily basis, we will plunge deeper into the problem. Hopelessness will be our daily companion. As long as we walk with hopelessness, the lights go out and the thought of recovery from the recession will never cross our minds again.Today, right now, I say let's walk with hope. Let's look beyond the recession. What is happening to Corporate America is much too big for you and I to grasp. We don't have the means to fix it. We have to look beyond it. I have a picture hanging in my home that says, "It Is In the Winds of Change That We Find Our True Direction."If that is true, then we have to believe that the recession is not a national disaster; rather it is a time for us to reinvent ourselves, not only as a nation, but as individuals. As individuals we have unique skills and creativity. As individuals we have options. We can assert ourselves into the market place of America and breathe life into loss and destruction. We cannot save corporate America but we can employ our talent and skills and employ new marketing strategies to become the people that we were born to be.We must believe that the current economic recession did not come to destroy us. It is here to define our greatness and establish us as pioneers of hope. As certainly as the pioneers and pilgrims who discovered and established this land have been hailed as a people of uncommon faith and courage, we will go down in history as a people of courage and faith who re-birthed America and secured her destiny of greatness.How can we possibly come out of the ruins of corporate failure to a place of national greatness? We have to deliberately look away from the old way of doing business and embrace the new. We must find a way to get in tune with our passion-that thing inside of us that we always knew we were meant to do-and use it as the leverage to catapult us forward. We must stop trading hours for dollars and leverage the opportunity to network with others of like mind and passion to create wealth. In so doing we will thrive and flourish on a scale that few of us have imagined possible. We must tap into the abundance that will be released when we recognize the power of the technology that we have in our hands with Network Marketing. After all, this nation found its greatness through the phenomenon of free enterprise. This is the day that we have the opportunity to use the same tool to redefine our greatness on a larger scale and in a bigger way.No America! The game is not over. It has just begun! The only question left to answer is, will you and I choose to participate. As for me I would not miss it for the world. What about you?

