
Your Upline Might Just Be What's Holding You Back

For anyone familiar with network marketing and multi-level marketing, a successful and vibrant downline is crucial to the success of your own company, directly affecting your weekly and monthly paychecks and bonuses. In fact, most of your checks come from the activities of your downline.But what about your upline?Far too many people in the MLM business are silent or, worse yet, helpless to anyone in their downline. All they want is the money, their residual income checks. So, they just get people to join, and then leave them alone to fend for themselves. Lack of support, assistance, and direction are major reasons why so many downline members just end up leaving eventually or not doing much, if anything at all to improve their and their upline's business.Sometimes, and this is even worse, messages to upline members are never returned. It's almost like the upline disappears from the face of the earth. And, if there is no support, and no contact, why would the downline members even attempt to succeed? Unless the downline member is a very strong self-starter, with previous MLM experience, he will likely not do well at all in the company, and that will hurt far more than himself and his business.Another problem uplines sometimes create is giving out false or bad information and/or training to their downline. They think they know everything, and end up doing more harm than good. Yes, that means their own faults are directly costing them money and compensation. If a downline member receives bad information and follows it, the results will not be what is expected, and the checks will always be considerably smaller. That is just as bad as having no information at all! They will lose their original confidence in you, and it's more than likely that he will also tell some others about his bad experiences and about you as a leader and businessperson. In fact, even one misinformative slip up will likely cost you some members or prospective members of your own downline.So, what do you do if you have an ineffective upline?When you first join the company, get to know your upline personally. Take an interest in them as people, just as you should take a personal interest in your downline. (Once your downline grows too large, you will just have to keep tabs with those you personally enrolled. Although, it would be considered a big deal to be directly contacted by someone who is high up on your upline!)More than likely, though, your personal upline members actually are interested in you, and really appreciate hearing from you. Their personal training will definitely help you, and resultingly both of your bottom lines. In fact, even your own downline would feel the impacts of your relationship with your upline. Pass on the training, tips, and information your upline gives you to your downline, and watch what happens!So, don't ever be afraid to contact your upline. And, when you have your own downline, make sure you contact, and respond to contacts from, your downline. Uplines almost always are more than happy to hear from you and more than willing to help you in your new business. Advice flows freely, so take advantage of it when you can! And, it's not copyrighted training (most likely), so feel free to pass on what you've learned on to your own downline!If you happen to be one of the unfortunate downline members who has an immediate upline that doesn't respond, there are a couple of options you can attempt before leaving your organization. Go further up your upline if you can. Surely there is someone up there who cares about you and is willing to help you in some way. Also, look around online for discussions, bulletin boards, or forums in your MLM's field. Especially look for home business and MLM forums. Tell whatever you can about your situation, and it's almost guaranteed that some experienced, caring individual will contact you with some very good advice.So, don't get into the company and then ignore your upline. And, surely, don't ignore your downline. They both will come together within you and you will see the fruits of all of your labours!

