The Top MLM Network Marketing Leadership Mistakes - Avoid Them Or Else!
Many people feel they understand what is needed for quality leadership within a network marketing business. There are all kinds of leaders and each brings a certain quality to the business. This article explains some of things you must not do when it comes to MLM network marketing leadership.Remember that network marketing is all about leadership because people only follow people they trust and respect. Your long term success in MLM will depend upon people joining you and following you. If you can avoid these leadership mistakes then people will trust you to do the right thing for the development of the business which includes training, coaching and lead generation.Leadership mistakes to avoid.1. Do not become a recruiter - a recruiter is someone who signs up a person and then immediately moves on to the next person without giving any assistance to the first. This may get you some quick cash bonuses but it is not a strategy that builds a business long term. When someone is recruited into MLM, they usually quit within the first 90 days out of frustration.2. Do not focus entirely on sales - Products sales are important in an MLM strategy but for long term success you will want to develop team members about 75% of the time while saving the selling of products to 25% of the time. This will enable you to build both in the short term but also increase the long term residue income that we all strive to obtain.3. Do not blame others - leaders need to be accountable for their team. In the beginning you will need to coach people a lot to be successful and it is best if you take full accountability for the actions of that new recruit. You want to keep his actions positive and allow them a certain amount of freedom to experiment with their marketing and lead generation activities.4. Do not be negative - All leaders need to be positive when dealing with their down line and prospects. Never talk badly about any company or product. Never talk poorly about any person. You just never know who may hear the comments and take offense to them.5. Do not use foul language or derogatory remarks - Again, when you are a leader within the network marketing business, you will have people in your down line from potentially all over the world. Different cultures and races take offense to certain slang comments and foul language. Always pretend that you are talking to your grandmother and do not say anything that she would not welcome as a comment.If you avoid these 5 leadership mistakes you will increase your credibility within the network marketing industry and be on your way to branding yourself a network marketing leader. Leadership is about coaching and development and there is no place where this is more important then in the network marketing business.
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