Are There Serious, Motivated People Who Want to Start a Home Based Business?
This is a great question and I will start by saying that there are 5 types of people who you will run into in network marketing. And yes, you will run into all of them.First type of person is the closed minded. These are the people who know of someone who was in network marketing or they may have tried network marketing and did not see the results that they wanted. The main thing you have to know about this group is that it is very hard to change their mind, and a lot of the reason on this, is that no company provides adequate training on how to really build a business. Many of these people have been bugged to death by friends and family.The second type is the curious. They are unsure what network marketing is and how the companies work. They may be unsure how to build a business and not sure what steps to take. Now, these are the ones that are digging for information, and if you do an adequate job in showing them how you build a business and give a solid plan, they will be open to talking to you. But, if you tell them talk to friends and family, they will run. Show them where they can get education on how to do it. These people will dabble in all the information and may be stuck in this phase for a while and will sit on the fence.The third is seriously curious. They want to do something and some are desperate to do something. These may be people who were just put out of their jobs, and need to do something. Now, they are also worried to make money fast, because of their situation. Just like the curious, they need to hear a solid plan to build the business. Now, these are the ones that have limited funds, and if you tell them talk to friends and family, the amount they are investing could be lost and they will move to the closed-minded because it does not work.The fourth is curiously serious. These are the people who have isolated down to a couple of companies and they are asking great questions. They have heard it all and they are careful to asking how do you help them build a business. Now, if you do not have a legitimate system and education. they know enough but they will never commit.The last is the serious person. Yes they are out there, but they could all be chameleons! They may be any of the other four. They want to pull the trigger with you and probably will. The only think they wait to see, in you will be, will you be a leader and teach and show the way or are you another sheep out there that promises the world and never delivers. Become the leader. If you do not know true marketing, you better get educated and become that leader.
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