
Tastefully Simple Products - Legit Or Not? - Tastefully Simple Review

Tastefully Simple is a multi level marketing company that was started back in 1995 by Jill Blashack Straham. Straham's vision was to create a company that would provide easy and quick meals for women that didn't have time to cook. Over its short existence the company has grown immensely and has done over 100 million dollars in revenue.Tastefully Simple has a large menu of different entrees; they sell everything from appetizers, main course meals, soups, bread, condiments, dressings, desserts, etc. Their dishes pretty much come ready; in some cases a person will have to add a few ingredients but for the most part they're easy to make.Now as I mentioned in the opening paragraph this company is a multi level marketing company which means they use distributors to go out and sell their products instead of selling them in stores. Being a distributor for Tastefully Simple can be very lucrative; you receive a commission on all your sales and the sales of those people you've recruiting into the company.The key achieving success within any MLM company is to recruit as many people as you possibly can. The larger your team is the more volume you're sale, and when your volume goes up so does your commission.Recruiting is a lot more difficult then it may sound. A lot of people struggle within MLM companies because they don't feel comfortable approaching their friends and family about this kind of stuff. Also, people don't realize that it takes time before a person usually starts seeing success.

