Your Network Marketing Skills - Are They Laying on Your Book Shelf Or Are They in Use?
Wow, if you knew the amount of money that people have wasted on Network Marketing training materials your head would absolutely explode!Why do people waste so much money on these materials? Pretty simple...they're collector's items for these people.Wait, people actually collect network marketing training equipment? Well in a manner of speaking YES! They actually buy the material to gain skills but they never ever use them. So the only way to really explain it is that they're collecting them.Are you a collector of marketing skills? I hope not. Because you'll never get anywhere if you don't use the skills that you've learned about network marketing.My wife Ann Feinstein and I have watched this happen more times than we like to think about. It's actually very frustrating for us in our network marketing business because when someone joins with us, they are handed our system on a silver platter. We take them by the hand and show them the skills that they need to become hugely successful like thousands before them.But there are a certain number of people who will nod and say yes with the best of intentions, but when it comes to actually utilizing the skills that we teach they never do it. The worst part is that these aren't brain surgery equivalent skills. These are a few foundational skills that when performed over and over again lead to huge success in network marketing.That's what network marketing is meant to be about.Everybody is always out there searching for the next best thing. The thing that's going to automatically build them a huge downline, when all it really takes it doing a few things correctly, over and over again.The Most Effective Network Marketing Skills come in a PackageThat's right, the best skills come bundled up in a system. Systems are an organized way of putting a few simple elements (skills) together that get the same results the same percentage of the time.Now in English, that translates to... A network marketing system is a MUST if you want to make money over and over month after month. Yes that's a better way to say it.Systems are what make it possible for McDonald's to hire 15 year old high school kids around the globe, and still be one of the highest grossing companies in the world, and allow you to have the same tasting burger whether you're in Philadelphia, PA or in Russia.The most effective systems in network marketing allow anyone to step in, start using the system, and begin making money just as well as anyone. But that's only if you USE the system, and utilize the skills that you learn while learning the system.If you have any hope of having success in this industry you're going to have to get used to the fact that it's going to require you using a few marketing skills over and over again in repetition.
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