
MLM Branding - Your Key to Success in Network Marketing

When endeavoring to build a network marketing business, there is no greater asset that you can add to your business then that of your personal MLM brand. Most people in this industry don't fully understand this concept because they are taught by their company to simply share the product and the opportunity first. You see all this does is brand the company, it does nothing for you ultimately other than maybe pay you a commission. While the commission is nice, it does nothing to help you in the long run as far as building your own sustainable long term business.Let me give you an example:We all know who Donald Trump is right? We know he has funny hair, and he has a lot of money, but do you really know how he makes his money? Probably not in real detail. I mean we know he is into real estate, and TV shows, but thats about it. Its because he has built his personal brand, and built his empire based upon him, not someone else.This is key when it comes to MLM branding in this industry.I have news for you, if you are not branding yourself, you really don't have a business. You are simply an affiliate for a company, and they pay you a commission every once in awhile for sending them business. Most people may deem what I am about to say as controversial but simply championing for a company is not having your own business, period! Its only helping that company to get more recognized and in turn make them more money. In order to be successful in this industry and allow you to be the leader in your prospects eyes, you must brand yourself first, and then your company will come in on the back end. So what is a good way to brand yourself especially online.Well here is the first and most important key to branding: BE YOURSELF!Its amazing isn't it, that this is by far the most important factor in building your business, but most people don't follow it. Why, because we all here the terms, "fake it till you make it" in this industry, but the reality is that people like to do business with real people, not some cheesy sales guys who is only out to make a commission. You can brand yourself online in a number of ways, but with out a doubt, the most important and effective way is having your own blog! That's right, your own blog is by far the most important and critical factor you will have online that will brand you.A blog is literally your home on the internet. It's your piece of real estate online that will allow people to get to know you on a more personal level. When this is combined with video, you have a one two punch that will literally put you in the drivers seat. The level of skeptics online is staggering. Most people that do any type of business online have wall of skepticism that is hard to break down. But having a blog will showcase you and your talents and in turn it will attract people that identify with you personally.The third and best way to brand yourself, is video! Yup, YouTube and video is a great way for people to see you, your personality and in general get to know you. I am putting together a game plan in the next week or so from this writing to give a series of training videos on why people fail in network marketing, to go along with my report on this same issue.MLM branding is by far the only way to really build a business in the is day and time of network marketing. Simple pitches for your business opportunity no longer have the effect they once did. Can you build a business this way, sure, but get ready to work your tail off. People want to follow leaders, and we all are leaders in our own way, you just have to bring the leader within you out to the surface and that begins with being yourself first.

