Can You Build a Network Marketing Business Online Without Personal Contact Using the Phone?
Many internet marketers have been struggling with the thought of building a network marketing business online without personal contact. The idea of having a solid network marketing down-line that pays you residual checks monthly is very appealing to many, but building and maintaining this is much more than that.A network marketing business can provide the most secure long term passive income if done right. Many people who have built their down-lines the right way are enjoying great success, living an extraordinary lifestyle that can be compared to celebrity status. They have paid the price, sometimes for decades to enjoy the fruits of their labor. No wonder many people lust after this lifestyle, but very few will ever achieve it.A typical network marketing down-line is made up of three types of people namely, (a) users of the product or products, (b) people struggling to build a business and, (c) a few warriors - big business builders. All three groups are critical to any network marketing business and must be attended to. Lets take a look at the three groups separately:(1). Group 1: Users Of The Products - Many network marketing companies are built around health and nutrition. This is where a company develop a nutritional supplement that caters for the needs of a specific group of people. These products are mostly made from natural ingredients and appeal to a certain clientele who are probably more health conscious than others. These people will join the company just to purchase the product at wholesale on a monthly basis. They are NOT interested in building a business.This group will make up somewhere around 20 to 50% of your down-line. These are people who will have to be sold on the benefits of the product, and what it can do for them. This is mainly accomplished through testimonials given by other users and the marketing and advertising done by the company. BUT, you will have to provide support to these people and keep reminding them why they should continue using the product.(2). Group 2: The Struggling Down-lines - These will normally make up the biggest group within your team and could range anywhere from 50 to 80%. These are people who have joined with a dream to build a business. They might have been attracted to both the product and the opportunity to make money, but many of them will not take the action steps that is required to make their dreams come true.This group will present you with the biggest challenge as it is where you will have the most drop-outs and the many who will not do anything. But still, this is where you will be getting more users and business builders from, so you will have to provide leadership to your team as a whole for all this to happen. This could be through webinars, conference calls, meetings, or emails, but some amount of personal contact will have to be done.(3). Group 3: Big Business Builders - This will be the smallest group and could comprise of less than 1 to maybe 2% of your entire team. Many leaders in the industry will tell you that you only need 3 to 5 of these people to build a seven figure income. These are highly motivated individuals who can work on their own, but might just need some guidance to help them along the way.The big business builders will be the master-mind group for your team as they will also be team leaders. You will have to meet with them on a regular basis to brainstorm ideas, and new strategies for their business which is a part of your business as well. These meetings could be done on the phone, at your house, or even at a resort. The bottom-line is that these meetings will be on a personal level.Based on the above information, it would seem like some amount of personal contact would have to be used in building a network marketing business. While you might be able to sign up some people using online marketing and advertising, in order to provide adequate support and leadership to your down-line you would have to use the phone, or meet on a personal level to some extent.So if you are thinking about building a business online without using the phone or personal contact, then you may want to look at another business model like affiliate marketing.
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