
First Time Ever - Top Tier Direct Sales Consultant Reveals Some Secrets

"Just show me how to get results like yours." Sound familiar? Heck, you may have even said those same words yourself. If you haven't said them, you've probably thought them.It is not the job of the top tier direct sales consultant to simply "show you" how he/she achieves their results. In fact, if that is all you are looking for, you have got a LONG road ahead of you. Not only that, but your top tier direct sales consultant wouldn't be doing you or themselves any favors.Below are some things you should look for (and actually want) from your top tier direct sales consultant.· Road Map: The best part about a top tier direct sales consultant is that they have already been there. There is no need for you to re-create the wheel. Experience is something you cannot buy. Experience also allows you to learn from their mistakes. Mistakes in this game can cost you thousands of dollars. Not to mention all the time that has been lost by doing something wrong. Your top tier direct consultant can sit with you..evaluate your situation..go over your strengths & weaknesses..put together a plan..and show you where to look out for land mines.All in all, experience is INVALUABLE!· Accountability: I know it doesn't sound like fun, but without accountability you will achieve nothing. I'm serious! You are FAR more likely to finish something when you know you are going to be held accountable. Add to that you are accountable to your top tier direct sales consultant, and you will not only finish your task, but it will be done well. Achievers and Top Earners take no excuses. The Master Yoda says, "Do or do not, there is no try."· Results: Your top tier direct sales consultant should be concerned with one thing...YOUR results. It doesn't matter if you are just getting started or you have been in the game for a while. There are measurable results for you to obtain. The coolest part about results is that they are repeatable. You have been given a plan based on YOU and YOUR business. So any results you get can be done again by following the plan. As your results get better and better, your plan will be refined. This is when your business starts to be REALLY fun.You can actually expect certain results because you KNOW what to expect based on your previous EXPERIENCE.Here is something you can take with you right now. Always set S.M.A.R.T. goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and TimelyBegin to implement this immediately and you'll notice your results begin to take shape. Don't play around with your business. You have the Opportunity RIGHT NOW to change your life and your business forever!

