
Why You Are Making a Colossal Mistake If You Do Not Brand Yourself

Everything that you do should be to brand yourself, create the YOU brand. Whether you are promoting yourself online or offline, the message must project you not the network marketing company you are associated with.One of the first things you must do is create your own blog. This is a unique way to tell visitors who you are and what you are up to. Updates can be posted daily or at a frequency level to suit your schedule. But the most important thing is to keep your content fresh and your overall blog memorable.It is far more important to brand yourself than to brand your network marketing company. People do business with people they have a relationship with, feel comfortable with. Especially in this age of the internet. They will not do business with spammers who flood their inboxes with business opportunity offers (and have not taken the time to build their "brand" before offering their opportunity).A side benefit of building your brand will be to build loyal followers. Whether you write informative articles, make interesting and tutorial videos or become a social media guru, the goal should be to offer extreme value that those you are reaching cannot wait for your next article, video or social media message. In time they will seek out and return to your blog in an effort to learn more about you...and your brand. (The network marketing company you are with is secondary to YOU. Or that's the way it should be.)Let me give you an example. Last week a well known network marketing company changed their business model: they no longer would offer their products through a network marketing distribution network. What this would mean for the "unbranded" representative would be to start over in another company without any following. If, however, you focused on branding yourself and the plug was suddenly pulled from your networking business, you could easily move to another network marketing company and most of your team would follow you...because they believe in the YOU brand. This is exactly what happened last week when a branded person received word of his company shutting down their network marketing operation. He joined our company and in a matter of four hours sponsored sixty people from his other company.Again, people will do business with people they have a relationship with...with a brand they know and trust. How do you start to develop this relationship? Create a blog which projects the uniqueness of YOU.

