How to Really Own Your Network Marketing Business
Every network marketer, home based business owner, or direct sales distributor has one thing in common. You are basically leasing a distributorship from whatever company you are with. You may think you own a business but unless you have used the self branding concept that ALL the top income earners in the industry use you really own nothing.YOU can inadvertently break one rule and be kicked out of the company. The company could decide to change their policies and disqualify anyone from earning money. There have been some top producers that were summarily fired from their business this way. Recently, a fairly large company changed their rules and took away some 6 figure paychecks from some of the top producers.Nearly every network marketing, direct sales, or home based businesses company has a website with a little form where visitors can leave their contact information so they can receive more information. All those companies use an autoresponder which collects the names of those who "opt-in" for more info and automatically sends them a series of emails.This service is not exclusive to large companies and in fact is available to anyone. It usually costs around $20.00 per month and that gives you the capability of almost unlimited lists you can build and store somewhere around 10,000 names before you need to upgrade. You can also use the service to generate opt-in forms to use on any site you want.This powerful tool allows you to build your own list of prospects and send your own messages to them. You control how many messages are sent and how often and what is in them. It is your choice to promote whatever products you want or teach and instruct them.EVERY single income leader uses this strategy as part of their business. When you hear that the money is in the list, it is one of these services that controls your list for you. All the leaders use a simple three step process in their business. They build a list by promoting themselves as a leader with solutions. They build a relationship with those on the list by providing effective resources and tools used to build a marketing business. And finally they monetize the list with their own products and affiliate links to those helpful products and services.If you become a student of the industry and raise your value and learn what works and share that with everyone you come in contact with you will be positioned as a leader. You have to become a leader if you are to succeed. There are zero income leaders that do not use this process or that have not become leaders in their own right. People join people in business not companies and it is leaders that get the most people to join them.The only thing that determines if you are a leader is your mind and your attitude. It is not determined by anything else. If you put 10 people in a room and give them an objective they will pick a leader even if none of them have ever led anyone before. It will probably be the one who knows the most about the objective. That means, when it comes to business, the chief deciding factor on who is a leader is knowledge and to be a leader you only have to know a little more than the next person.If you adopt this principle as your main focus in your network marketing business one day you will have a list that you really own and no company can take it away from you. When you build a list of people that respond to your army of marketing ads online you are building a company that is about YOU. This is attraction marketing at its finest and the only online business you can truly OWN.
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