More Income in Network Marketing Or Affiliate Marketing?
I have been in network marketing and affiliate marketing so which one is best when it comes to income generation? It really depends on a few things which generally can not be answered by anyone other then the person building the business.Some people will make money in mlm but for me it took longer and certainly was not an immediate reward situation.You need patience and must understand that you may not make immediate income but the long term rewards could be great. Patience is the state of endurance under difficult circumstances and you will need it when building this kind of business.I don't have the patience required to stay with it long term in order to create that residual income that people typically will join for. I have nothing bad to say about the industry as it's great but not for everyone and certainly not for me at this time.With affiliate marketing, the income is typically faster when compared to the work that you put into it. You do the work and the reward follows but not always as nothing in life is guaranteed. I know for a fact that you have people in mlm making some crazy income but the average person will never see this kind of income.The percentage of people that make no money in mlm is significantly higher but this could also be due to the amount of time someone gave to it as the rewards don't just happen like magic, you need to actually work it.With affiliate marketing, you can also potentially make some great income but when you compare it with mlm, it's pretty clear to me that more people are making money with affiliate marketing. I know this will probably offend some people because true blue net workers have a great admiration for the industry that can sometimes be at the level of fanatical but truth be told, it's still not an easy business to earn any sizable income, period!This is not to say that mlm is bad, just it's not the quickest or easiest way to make a buck.If you can create an organization, have the mindset and passion of a rhino then you will find yourself within the top 3% that make money in networking but where does that leave the other 97%?Can you make more income with networking when compared to affiliate marketing? The answer is yes, you can make more money with network marketing than affiliate marketing. You can make more money on either side of the camp, if you know what you're doing.It again, depends on your passion, desire and reason for building the business. If you truly want to build a solid income with network marketing then you can do so as it's pretty much up to you within reason.It's a business and like any business, you can make a ton of income so when you compare networking with affiliate style marketing, it's really going to be completely you and the history of the industry as a whole. Historical data will show that income made in network marketing is not common and I speak of walk away income and not a few dollars to buy a gum ball.Which one is the best fit for you?It can be affiliate marketing or network marketing as in any business, the results will be up to you and some luck thrown in for good measure. I like affiliate marketing for the income is more immediate then it was for network marketing. I'm the kind of person that likes results now and really not fond of waiting or basing my success on others who may not be as passionate as me.With mlm, you're not 100% in control as your income is based on the organization and the company you choose. They can close shop anytime they want which leaves you with nothing as compared to the affiliate side where you're more in control outside of the affiliate product getting pulled but then you have more products to choose from.Do your homework and do what's best for you. If you like mlm then do it and if you like affiliate style marketing then that's your choice.The main point here is that you do something because when you do nothing, the one thing guaranteed is that you will get no where fast and that's an immediate result."I would rather do something and fail then nothing and succeed"
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