
Why Network Marketing Kiyosaki Reveals His Thoughts

Over the last few years some of the biggest advocates for business ownership have voiced their approval for network marketing, Kiyosaki being one of the industry's greatest supporters. He supports this industry because it gives the average person the chance to truly be financially successful in life and people need to be able to help others become successful to be successful themselves.Robert Kiyosaki has been teaching people the benefits of business ownership through books like Rich Dad, Poor Dad. He teaches about a whole other set of rules that are more conducive to people who want to be rich that the average person just doesn't know. Most people are taught that in order to get rich, one needs to go to school, get a good education, so you can get a good job. Through network marketing Kiyosaki concludes that people can break out of that mold and start having their money work for them instead of the other way around.The problem with this traditional line of thinking is that very few people ever truly get rich and most people end up working their lives away. They work hard for something they will never own...someone else's business. They also have a false sense of security. Where most people believe in getting a good, secure job, most of those jobs aren't really secure because people can get fired any time. With network marketing Kiyosaki explains that the security is there because people can't get fired from their own business.He also has a different meaning of getting rich. Most people would equate it with accumulation of wealth, while he would more equate it with freedom - the freedom of not needing to work for someone for the rest of your life. Through network marketing Kiyosaki believes the average person has the best chance of achieving that freedom. Products and systems are already in place, so all people need to do is follow these systems to build their businesses rather than go through all the trouble of starting a traditional brick and mortar business.

