Network Marketing Leads - Spy on Your Competition's MLM Sales Prospecting System
One of the greatest ways to generate leads and following up with them is using an MLM sales prospecting website. What is a sales prospecting website? It basically automates the entire process of qualifying network marketing leads for you. It goes one step beyond what the typical manual process of network marketing prospecting does in terms of saving you from lots of headaches. Automated prospecting systems are great in a sense that it can free up your time to focus on the most important money making activities: Following up with your MLM prospects over the phone.How Do You Know If A Prospect Is Worth Your Time To Pick Up The Phone To Call?For those who are not familiar with the sales prospecting process, doing it the old school way would involve picking up the phone to call those prospects randomly without any way of knowing if they are either serious prospects or simply tire-kickers. So how do you the distinguish between the two?Just imagine the tedious work that most telephone prospecting specialists go through when they have to dial their leads list in a certain order and take notes every single time when they hear a "no" or "yes" to their business opportunity offer. And not only that. They also have to track those who claim they are serious and follow up with them. Without some kind of lead management system in place, it can be incredibly tiresome to do everything manually by hand.Introducing The Network Marketing Sales Prospecting SystemJust so you know, not all MLM prospecting systems are the same. Although they are sold at various price ranges, the credibility factor behind them is always questionable. That is why it is necessary to do your due diligence to determine if they are legitimate. One great network marketing prospecting system is operated by a well known legend in the network marketing industry by the name of Tracy Monteforte. She teaches telephone prospecting via her one on one coaching sessions.Telephone prospecting is very subjective based on systems that can simplify the process. In this case, her telephone prospecting system is an automated system into which real-time leads are constantly being uploaded. Her auto responder messages would be sent out to all her prospects for the ultimate objective of increasing the quality of the leads who had responded to one of her internet marketing campaigns.How Do Network Marketing Prospecting Systems Sort Out Your Serious Prospects From The Tire Kickers?You are probably wondering how is the quality of the lead determined? It is determined via analysis of your auto responder statistics that monitors your prospect's activity on your website. It also tracks what email messages they have opened and looked at. This is incredibly crucial because it tells you something important about the prospect. The name of the game in internet marketing is this: a prospect who is consistently kept engaged on your website or email messages is really receptive to more information about whatever it is you happening to be promoting.There are so many prospecting systems that successful network marketers use to automate the process of tracking high quality prospects that are incredibly receptive to their offers. If you are not aware of how they have became successful, their secret is no simpler than keeping their finger on the pulse of what their other competitors are actually doing.And let me also remind you that your competitors happen to also be in your upline and downline of the same company you are promoting. So that includes spying on whatever they are doing successfully and duplicating it.
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