
The Top Four Signs of Dishonest MLMs

Multilevel marketing may be a legit business, but there are a lot of MLM scams out there that are trying to pose as the real thing. If you are looking to establish your own MLM business on the Internet, then make sure to keep a sharp eye out for these top four signs of a dishonest MLM:If it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't.One of the easiest ways to sucker people into handing their money is to dazzle them with promises of easy money that just rolls into their accounts. Multilevel marketing is something that takes a lot of time and effort on your part, and only starts to become easy once you've settled into a niche of your own. This can take years of dogged practice to achieve, so don't let yourself fooled by false promises.Exorbitant and unexplained up-front feesInitial payments are usually steep because this is the primary method by which frauds make their money.Legitimate multilevel marketing businesses have some fees, yes, but the money you pay should only be enough to process your documents and other essentials. All this should be made clear to you at the start. If the up-front fees are pretty big and the company refuses to pinpoint where the money goes, then you are most likely looking at a scam.Recruitment takes priority over salesMost MLM scams make their money by up-front fees, which is why recruiting takes priority over sales.Such companies aggressively try to convince you to join their ranks, spending a lot of smiles and saliva to try and convince you. They will then teach you how to convince other people to join the scam once you sign up for the program. They will not, however, teach you how to actually sell the products. If this is the case in your situation, then you had best cut your losses and stay away from the company.Management is hidden or based elsewhereBorders are a serious hurdle in legal proceedings, and frauds know this all too well.This is why frauds prefer to set up shop in countries outside of the U.S. while letting their 'top' victims take the spotlight in recruiting. This is why you have to be assertive in finding out who you are working for and where they are in the world. Checking the better business bureau will not only give you an idea about the business you're getting into, but will also help confirm whether the top dogs in the company are indeed based in the U.S or not.

