
Who Else Wants to Be the Top Earner in Their Network Marketing Program?

Positive mindsetTop earners have positive mind sets and they think positive. They are no better then you or me for they make mistakes too. But they view their mistakes differently than most. The average person views their mistakes as something stupid and regretful. But successful people in their networking marketing programs view their mistakes as an opportunity of learning something new. And they also grow from their mistakes and learn. The root to becoming successful in your network marketing program or to any thing in life is by having the right positive mindset. And this may be a little off topic but in order to be successful you have to do things in the way that the universe works, for you reap what you sow. If you give value to others and you are genuine you will get that back in return.Know their goalsTop earners and successful business owners always have goals. I noticed top earners strive to conquer their goals and when they get them they set new and even bigger goals. That's how they grow for they are constantly students and they are always learning new things. It is important to always set goals especially in your network marketing program because that how people are successful and they are constantly achieving new things and learning.No procrastinatingThey never procrastinate and they never give themselves excuses. This also goes into the state of mind topic because you have to be positive minded. By procrastinating and doubting yourself you're never going to go anywhere with your business. Most people fail in network marketing because of this. They whine and whine and complain how it's too hard or how they cannot do such and such because if some excuse they came up with. If you want to be a top earner you need to be believe in yourself and not act like a little kid complaining, for that is very weak minded.Constant day to day productive activitiesStay constant on the day to day bases. They never quit. Most people that are dominating in their network marketing program are dominating for one simple reason. They stay constant in their online promoting activities. Plus, they do the simple activities that most people are unwilling to do. People say that there is so much competition on the top and how it hard to get up there but the truth is its less competition on the top compared to all the people struggling in any network marketing program. So if you stay constant on the daily basis and strive for it you will get it. Trust me I seen it happen in real life, for it's a beautiful feeling to know you worked so hard for something you are rewarded for it.

The Network Marketing Opportunity on the Internet

Nowadays, many people use the internet to check for the available network marketing opportunities. The internet has taken the network marketing industry to anther advanced level. There are many benefits of online network marketing which are discussed below.The internet is the biggest place that provides a market for people from all over the world because it not only limited to local area, but it is a global machine that can help you reach out to many potential prospects worldwide. You can reach these people through advertisements and other communication ways like search engines, videos, articles, social media and many others. This is why many business organizations in the world have opted for online network marketing opportunities to promote their businesses.The internet is also very easy and convenient to use. This is unlike ways of promoting network marketing businesses offline, which is cumbersome because advertising is sometimes very expensive. Individual advertising is too expensive unlike the case of bigger organizations which makes large profits. Therefore, online option would be your best choice as you obtain results of your business in a very easier way.Another paramount advantage of internet network marketing opportunities is that there is no need to travel all around; you just do everything at home so long as there is a computer within your hands. You can set aside some little time everyday to do promotions and still realize positive results to your business in the long run.Also, with the use of internet you can meet and target a particular group of people within your market. This will avoid much competition on your way and thereby enabling you to strategize and offer a solution to any issue arising from these groups.In conclusion, many people have opted to use the internet to promote their products and a lot to be discovered. Therefore this is the time to learn online methods and continue promoting your network marketing opportunity.

Global Domains International Inc Reviews - Can You Really Earn With a $10 a Month Product?

Global Domains International Inc. is based in Carlsbad, California and is lead by Michael Reed (CEO) and Alan Ezeir (President).It is ranked 37 in Inc. Magazine.So, what's the deal you are wondering?Let's look at some internet history and see if we can find the pot of gold potential.Before you can start up a business, customers need to be able to find you.On the Internet, your address is your domain name; the part of an Internet address that comes after the www.With the exponential growth of the Internet, dot com domain names continue to sell like hotcakes.There are currently more than 20 million dot com domains, and over 33 million total domains registered worldwide.Industry experts forecast that more than 500 million domains will be registered in the next ten years.In fact, sources are predicting that every personal computer in the future will have its own domain name.In 1998, the dot com craze was beginning to ramp up to unbelievable proportions.Global Domains International, Inc. (GDI), recognized another opportunity that was largely ignored; they wondered, besides "dot com", are there other extensions that businesses could use as a domain name?"This is where the "ws" domain extension was born. GDI has the exclusive rights to all ".ws " domains.Are you starting to see the picture?Well, the owners soon saw an income potential where they could create a network marketing type compensation plan...a very simple one that everyone can easily understand, and offer this to you as a way to earn income.$1 per customer under you may not sound like much.However you can also earn bonuses for recruiting 5 or more people per week. $100 bonus for every group of 5 recruits; i.e. recruit 10 and earn $200/week, 15 and earn $300.Not bad, huh?Many ads suggest recruiting 6 people who do the same 5 levels deep. This can earn you $9300/month if it filled perfectly. Hey, anything close to perfect would make a huge financial improvement in most households.The true key to success online is finding an affordable business, with a product in demand and that offers value. Then combine a marketing system that pretty much does all the telling and selling and set this up so anyone can duplicate and you will see growth like there is no tomorrow.Global Domains International Inc. is a pretty nice business to get into.

How to Avoid Failure in a Network Marketing Program?

With the internet become very common today, network marketing programs also become very popular. This is because with internet you can reach more people and make more sales. That is why you can see many new network marketing program is introduce almost everyday. No doubt that many people who join network marketing business has success and made a lot of money from their effort. But at the same time many people also fail. There are many reasons why people fail in network marketing but I don't want to discuss it here.In this article I want to discuss about how to avoid failure in network marketing. Here I give you 3 things to consider deeply before you sign any form.1. Make little extra effort to study the company background that you want to join. If it is a local company, visit them and get to know their staff. Talk with the customer if possible. If it is not a local company, visit forum and ask question.2. Make sure you know what product or services that you will promote. What is the commission you will get? Is the product something that all people want? Did they pay you if you invite new people and how much? If you get paid more for bring in new people than your sales, you should be careful. What is the company background? Who behind this company? All of this you have to make sure before you join. Make a check list. It will take time but it's worth it. Most people in network marketing like to force you to sign the form without allow you to check all those items with the reason you have to sign up fast to be a 'leader'.If this is the case, just walk away. This situation happened to me. After the seminar, my friend's up line keep asking me to sign up. I did ask a few question but they refuse to answer by saying that is not important. After a few minute, I just leave them. Remember no matter how good the offer is make sure you check you check list. Your success in network marketing program has nothing to do weather you are the pioneer or not, remember that.3. You have to make sure also the network marketing program that you want to join is something that can be easily adapted to sales by email or internet. Means find program that can be easily promoting online. The reasons are less expensive, with email you can send to many people at one time and your website is available 24 hours. Your website is like you shop. Are you able to open your shop for 24 hours? The answer is no, you cannot open your shop 24 hours, 7 days a week and 365 days a year unless you put it online ( web page). Do take note here that you are not allow to do SPAM. It is not a good etiquette.Here is my suggestion.Create a squeeze page. In the squeeze page write a few sentence that capture people attention. Offer a freebie like an e-book written by someone popular or short course or free newsletter. Make them interested and willing to give their name and email address. This is called list building.Once you get you list you can start to communicate with your subscribers. Remember; do not bombard your subscribers with messages about the program every day. It is like forcing people to join your program and people don't like it. Explain to your subscribes about your product or services that you carry, tell about the product benefit and send testimonial if you have.You are advice to only introduce about your network marketing program after three or four email. Because at this time your subscriber already have some knowledge about the product or services and most importantly they start to know you.

Damajon Review

My Damajon review should get you on your way to becoming a bona fide, self-employed business entrepreneur!Getting in on the ground floor of a company before it hits the big time can sometimes be a real gold mine. Being part of a brand new organisation can be really rewarding in all sorts of ways; the most important of course being financial! Take the time to read a Damajon review and you could be on the brink of something special.If you've been doing your homework and taking the advice of the master marketers, you'll no doubt already be aware that there are sites you can visit to keep bang up to date with new schemes, organisations, and companies offering the best business opportunities. What these sites sometimes don't offer is a good old-fashioned bit of information! A Damajon review should really be more than a mere paragraph! There's way more to say about this company than just a few simple lines, so keep reading this Damajon review and you'll soon see why getting involved could be well worth your precious time and money.This business opportunity is all about the girls. Damajon review articles are few and far between at the moment, as this is one of the newer marketing opportunities to hit the internet. This is a specific business model targeted towards a particular audience, but one that's not exactly limited! Some of the most profitable products are geared towards attracting women.To make a Damajon review a well-rounded, informative and interesting read it's essential to give you a bit of info on what the company actually does. Sketchy details just don't cut it! Damajon markets products designed to appeal specifically to a wide cross-section of women. They deal with a comprehensive range of health and beauty products. Their line includes all sorts of attractive products, including; vitamin face masks, collagen creams, moisturisers, skin treatment creams, and a make-up range. On top of all that, it's important to note within a Damajon review that they also offer books, cards, jewellery, and CDs. Basically things that attract, inspire and interest women all over the world.No Damajon review would be complete without tackling one all-important question. You know what I'm talking about! When you're looking at the pros and cons of becoming a distributor it's vital to weigh up whether or not it'll benefit you financially. The answer to that question would have to be a great big yes. If you're looking to make money but want to do it in a way that satisfies both your wallet and your morals, this one could be just what you've been waiting for. In addition to their products, Damajon also works with Women for Women International, which aims to improve the quality of life for ladies in war-torn parts of the world, both financially and emotionally.

Simple Content Marketing Strategies to Increase MLM Lead Flow by 300%

There are a couple of techniques that you can put into your business to create a massive flow of MLM leads to your business.Content and/or Attraction Marketing. These two concepts, when combined together will create as many mlm leads as you need.Attraction Marketing is marketing yourself in an "untraditional" way. Attraction Marketing is the concept of bringing people to you instead of conventional concept of marketing which includes things like cold calling, recruiting friends and family, advertising, and purchasing leads.By making yourself an "authority" on a subject or topic, people will actually seek you out online. When you can create this type of interest in your topic, this is content/attraction marketing.What if I'm not an expert? Everyone is an expert in something, or at least has knowledge that other people don't.. For example... Lets say that you are a German Shepard owner. Just by the very fact that you own a dog, you know things about dogs that I wouldn't What you think is not important, may actually be the exact knowledge that the non owner would want to read about. If I came to you with a question, it is because I recognize that you have more knowledge, more expertise, about owning than I do.Another subtle concept with Attraction Marketing is the fact that prospects come to you...Let's say that you are selling a energy drink. You spend a lot of time cold calling, trying to recruit family and friends and starting conversations with strangers. You may have even purchased advertising, or worse... maybe you have even purchased leads to sell your energy drink. You actively "recruit" on these leads with follow up, getting back to them, giving them samples, etc. etc... All of these activities are "active" effort. When you stop doing them your business stops.None of those people had an interest in your energy drink BEFORE you tried to sell it to them.. Active "selling" is trying to convince...Using content marketing/Attraction marketing, we take that business model and turn it upside down. With excellently produced content marketing strategies, you will have targeted MLM leads directly to your website.Content Marketing, in it's simplest form, is just letting people know what you know.. Instead of "selling" the energy drink, you simply tell answer a question or solve a problem about the product instead. Use something about the product, or a benefit you had with the product...Perhaps your energy drink can help people lose weight. What if you wrote an article titled " Can you lose weight by using energy drinks?" or " I lost 15 lbs using this energy drink" or something like that... If someone were to click on that content, we would already know that they are interested in energy drinks and weight loss...If they were interested in learning more about what you wrote as the content in the article, they could click on a link that would take them to your website.Content Marketing combined with Attraction Marketing can produce targeted MLM leads for very little cost.


The United First Financial MLM Business - Legit Or Not? A United First Financial Review

United First Financial was started back in 2004 and is the creator of the Money Merge Account Program. The program is a web based software that helps people reduce or eliminate their debt. The Money Merge Account Program has been proven to be successful; up until now it's helped to reduce over 150 million dollars of debt. In this article I would like to give a brief overview on the United First Financials products and business opportunity.ProductsThe company's main product is called the Biz Pack, which is basically a business within a box. In the Biz Pack people will receive an four main products. Here are the four products:1. An interactive internet based software program2. A contact management system which includes auto responders, follow up programs, tasks, a calendar, video tracking, etc.3. Marketing system which will help you set up a Pay Per Click campaign, news letter templates, and off line marketing such as direct mail.4. Webinars - you'll be able to host webinars and conference calls with up to 1,000 people who can live all over the world5. Personal Development - You'll receive a success magazine that contains motivational information and tips for business owners.Business OpportunityTo buy into the company a person must pay a monthly fee of $299. Once you start into the business you'll immediately start marketing United First Financials products and business. Depending on your level you'll receive commissions of $70 - $130 for every person that you bring into the company. Once you bring someone into the company you'll also receive a commission that ranges from $23 - $40 from their monthly fees. A person's success within this company will be determined on their ability to market online and sell people on the products and business.

Evaluating Business Opportunities

The internet is overloaded with business opportunities and most of them are heavy on promises and light on probability. Isn't it interesting how they make bold claims to being financial independent and how you can start making $5000.00/month while sitting around your house in your slippers.Getting involved in a business takes time and money so find one that gives you a higher degree of succeeding. Besides looking at the more obvious factors of a business you must look at your potential market and the true need for your product.Using this concept will not only save you time, but also heartache. There isn't anything worse then investing time and money into a business venture and then find out it just won't work. By incorporating a quick simple checklist you can eliminate nearly 90% of most business opportunities.Most of all the crazy opportunities on the internet involve selling something so we will assume these are the types of opportunities you are looking for. First of all don't assume you can sit at home on your computer and make big cash. At some point you will have to introduce your product to people and make a few sales.Besides the obvious of checking out the company's reputation, product line and initial investment there is a simple, but full proof way to ease your way into a new business with a high probability of success.It doesn't make sense to grind away at a business that turns very little if any profit. There are two steps to most selling situations, however if you can completely eliminate the need to do one of these steps then there is less likelihood you will struggle and a whopping 50% better chance you will succeed.The first step in a lot of selling situations is you have to convince someone that they need your product. This step can be a very nerve wracking and sometimes uncomfortable situation to be in. It is also the number one reason most people quit their business before they experience any kind of success. The rejection rate is high and let's face it, no one likes to hear the word no, at least not 100 times before they finally hear a yes.Statistics show that most people are uncomfortable with rejection and therefore shy away from selling, but wouldn't it be nice to sell something everyone uses? Your chances of getting a no decrease by nearly 50%. That leads us to step 2 of the selling process.Assuming you have convinced someone they need your product now all you have to do is sell the benefits of your product and everyone is happy. It's not hard to sell something if you believe in the product and you know it will supply benefits to your new customer.In all practical terms if you're looking for a business opportunity then you should look for a business that offers a product that eliminates step one of the selling process. Not having to convince someone they need your product makes running your business a lot more fun and profitable.Imagine starting a business where you can increase your chance for success by a whopping 50%! Why go through the heartache if you don't have to. If you find the right business to start you also want to sell a product that has repeat business. Doing this allows you to find less customers to keep the commissions rolling in, don't sell a "one time" purchase type product.Although there are some very good MLM and non-MLM companies out there you have to be careful because a lot of them sell products that not everyone really needs. As an example there are countless companies out there that are selling exotic juices from an exotic berry that can only be found in one part of the world. Although the products might be great you really have to ask yourself, do you really need this product?There are several companies out there that offer business opportunities for both men and woman. And some sell incredible products that you don't have to convince people they need. These can be products like cosmetics, personal care products and even synthetic motor oil.This is the beauty of using this simple system in evaluating a business. Think about it, do you have to convince a female prospect she needs to wear make-up? When was the last time you had to convince someone they had motor oil in their car or truck? Now are you beginning to see the simplicity in this system? Doesn't it make sense to sell a product that you don't have to convince people they actually need? Trust me it's a whole lot easier and fun. Talk to people in the industry you are thinking about going into to get a feel for not only the products but also the company.

Network Marketing With Integrity

When you tell people what you do each day do you feel good about sharing the network marketing aspect of your life? If you don't, and if every conversation about network marketing represents nothing more than a desperate sales pitch, then this is a sure sign that your company doesn't operate with the kind of integrity that is in line with your personal moral values.What will a network marketing company that has integrity look like? First, they will sell something that has real value. Too many network marketing companies focus on recruitment to the exclusion of product. The product becomes so much smoke and mirrors, and that is when you get a house of cards that all falls apart. In short, the only consumers at the company are people who are "working" for the company. That's not sustainable. Companies sell things. That's how they survive. If the thing they are selling doesn't have any quality then all that's left is hype-which by its very nature lacks integrity.Second, the company will have a strong focus on building relationships, both with customers and team members. They will not be focused on giving the next cheesy sales pitch. A network marketing company with integrity will truly want other people to succeed and work hard at providing solutions that are relevant to their lives. This means avoiding the "Get Rich Overnight" mentality in favor of providing solid service. It also means spending the time to get in the trenches with your team in order to foster their success and help them carry out right principles.One business that offers this mentality is Pyxism, a network marketing company that is rapidly expanding by offering first class travel solutions to vacationers. Whether people who get involved simply enjoy their lovely vacation or decide to build new lives and careers, Pyxism is dedicated to demonstrating integrity each and every day.

What Internet Options Should You Use to Advertise MLM?

What internet options should you use to advertise MLM? There are many options to use depending on your target audience. There are many free and paid methods that come to mind that you can use to target MLM seekers.There are many options available to you including paid and free advertising. Here is a list of some paid methods: Paid online and offline classified advertising, pay per click advertising, banner advertising, billboard advertising, magazine advertising, flyers, and a lot more. Here is a list of some free methods: article writing, free online classified ads, forum marketing, viral marketing, Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, Squidoo, forum signatures, blogs, video marketing and more.The paid methods offer quick results if you have the money to spend. Pay per click advertising with Google or Yahoo can get you some of the most targeted traffic if you set up your campaign correctly. Using banner ads on high traffic related sites is also a great option. The disadvantages of these paid methods are a continuing cost to you to get traffic. Once you stop advertising and spending money, the stream of traffic also stops.Free methods get good results but are a little bit slower. It generally takes longer to set up these methods and requires some grunt work on your part. For example, if you sat down and wrote an article and submitted it to Ezine Articles, it may take you an hour to write and submit the article, and then another couple of days for it to get approved. The advantage of this method is that once it makes it to a search engine site such as Google, it can stay up for several months or even years and can generate you targeted traffic for that same amount of time.Obviously, you need a great optimized site to greet you visitors so that you can make some sales or at the very least get their contact information. This is essential if you want to explode your MLM business and create financial security.Using the methods listed above will get you targeted traffic to your site and build your MLM business in the quickest time possible. You just need to put in some massive action and before you know it you can be proud of the business you have developed.

Tips to Choosing a Good MLM Company That Will Best Suite Me - Multi-Level Marketing Review

There are thousands of different MLM companies that person can buy into; they all claim to be the best and have the ability to help a normal person create a six figure income in a short period of time. So how do you choose the MLM business that best suites you?Here are a few tips to choosing a good MLM company that will best suite you:Company and TrainingFirst of all you want to find a company that has a good honest reputation. Make sure the company has successful leaders and zero debt. Also, when you're looking at a company you want to make sure they've got the necessary training to help you become successful within their business. Unless you already have experience within the multi level marketing industry, you'll want a company that can teach how to create success.Compensation PlanThe whole reason you're looking to get into a MLM company is to make money, right? You need to find a company that is going to help you obtain the most wealth for your efforts. Find a company that offers 100% matching overrides.UniqueYou want to find a company that is unique. You don't want to be involved with a company that is similar hundreds of other companies out there. You want to be selling a product that no one has, and be a part of a program that is different from all the others.ConclusionBefore you get involved with a MLM company make sure you evaluate all of the things that I mentioned above. A lot of people just rush into the first opportunity that presents itself; they then find themselves stuck in a company that doesn't fit them and their personality. Be patient and you'll find a great company that will fit what you're looking for.

Is Alivamax a Network Marketing Company That You Can Truly Create Residual Income With?

No doubt you've been hearing about the Alivamax scam. I'd like to put your fears to rest at once and let you know I believe there to be no scam with this company.It appears that the folks discussing talks of something fishy with AlivaMax are pointing out that the company is yet another one offering skin care/energy products. While it is true that there are several other MLM companies of this nature, calling a new one a scam seems a bit harsh in my eyes.This company is just as reputable as the others, has a fair compensation plan, and quality products that are helping people with all types of health benefits.As an expert in MLM marketing techniques and technologies, I see the Alivamax scam talk for what it really is...people get hyped up on the possibilities of network marketing, join, struggle and then think there is something wrong with the entire industry.In truth, what causes most people to achieve less than stellar success in multi-level marketing has much more to do with the person than it does the company. Most people don't like to hear this but it's true.You see, one of the key ingredients in MLM success is recruiting a downline. A secret to recruiting well is how advanced your personal growth and leadership skills are. There's a definite ratio between size and quality of team built with how well the person building that team operates as a leader.When a person joins your Alivamax business, they want to know that you can lead them to their own personal "promise land". They want you to provide them the training on what it actually takes to create a strong residual income.The best way to do this is to simply plug your new recruits into a tried and true marketing system. Ideally, this should be a marketing system that easily transforms each person using it into a marketing and advertising "genius".Although this may sound daunting to you at the moment, understand that there are online marketing systems that you and your downline can join. These systems provide all the training on how to set up the proper landing pages and websites that attract folks already interested in network marketing.These people are looking for leaders. If you and your team clearly show them how they can plug into your Internet marketing system, any talk of an Alivamax scam will disappear as you and your team dominate while creating quality residual income streams.


Amsoil - What We Know About the Amsoil MLM Opportunity

There are different reasons as to why people become AMSOIL dealers. Some people wish to become dealers just to get the best price on all AMSOIL products. Some people have caught the entrepreneurial spirit and wish to earn a part-time income. They may need to do this in order to make ends meet or as a way of saving up for something special, perhaps for their children, saving up for college for their children, saving for a new car or just about anything.There are other people who envision this AMSOIL business as a great opportunity to own their own business. They want to be their own boss, set their own hours and maintain their own schedule. When you have made the decision to own your own business, you have realized that knowledge is the key to your success. You are dedicated to accomplish your goals through hard work as well as through personal education.In the AMSOIL business, you will be able to get help from your sponsor. Many sponsors are very eager to help their new dealers get started in their new business. They often hold meetings for their downline as well as for any prospective dealers. However, that does not always happen. Therefore, new dealers should assume their own responsibility to learn everything they can about their AMSOIL business.There are many educational tools that will help you get to know your AMSOIL business starting with the G-700 Business Kit. A series of "how to" manuals are included in this kit that cover just about every aspect of this business. Also included in this kit is a T-1 Certification Workbook. When a dealer completes this and sends it into AMSOIL, it enables the dealer to become eligible to not only receive leads but to participate in the co-op programs. There are many ways you are able to build a strong business, and there are many ways you can make sales; MLM sales, commercial sales, catalog sales, retail sales, Preferred Customer sales and Internal sales.You can become an AMSOIL dealer for just under $50 and put as much or as little into your business as you want. You can do this business in your spare time or make it a full-time business. Perhaps you are only looking to purchase AMSOIL products at the discounted prices. Whatever it is, it is all up to you!AMSOIL Business = OpportunityAMSOIL offers outstanding products which make up a rock-solid base upon which you can build a business. It seems that the current trend in our country, the United States, is to own a small or home business. This will guarantee you the freedom to set your own hours and to make your own schedule. This company offers all of the advantages of owning your own franchise without having to make a large initial investment. When you compare the AMSOIL opportunity with other MLM opportunities, there are many advantages that you will find with AMSOIL that you will not find with other business opportunities. Here is to sum up what AMSOIL has to offer:* Minimal start-up fee* No territory restrictions* No employee requirements or expenses* No inventory requirements* There is no layout in either office or warehouse space

Passion Parties - What We Know About the Passion Parties MLM Opportunity

If you are searching for a business that you can do part time to supplement your income or are interested in growing an at home business Passion Parties might be the answer. This company has been bringing sensual parties into homes for more than ten years in North America.The products that are sold at Passion Parties are designed to enhance intimacy and conversation among couples. People have been using oils, lotions and toys throughout history and by attending an at home party with friends consumers can enjoy an atmosphere of confidentiality when they purchase.There is an air of excitement for attendees with much giggling, yet one of the ideas behind the parties is to educate with product knowledge. The parties are successful because they are discreet and full of wonderful merchandise to help promote a healthy sex life.However, beyond the Passion Parties themselves the company provides a way for women to own a business and succeed. The direct selling method that is used allows women to reach levels of success that may not be available to them in other jobs. The glass ceiling that so many women struggle with in everyday business is not in evidence with the business model of Passion Parties, Inc.If you are interested in getting started with Passion Parties you should know that you can set your own hours, sell products that you believe in and earn incredible awards. As with any home business the awards will go hand in hand with the effort that you put forth. Some of the rewards that you can be eligible for are a home, car, and recognition from your peers.There are levels of success with this company which begins with a consultant position. As you grow your business and experience you can go on to become a qualified consultant, team leader, team manager, executive manager and finally executive director. If getting a home or car interests you, then you will want to shoot for the executive director position.Through each level you will have ongoing product training and education. There is a network of other consultants that become a support system for each other. You are offered the choice of beginner packs to get started and they all have everything you will need to have your first party. After that the company does the shipping for your orders as well as process credit cards which eliminates the need for you to have a merchant account.You will be able to reward the hostess of your parties with hostess incentives. The company handles marketing, promotions, a consultant website and a monthly magazine. Every year there is a convention in Las Vegas where the business owners can receive their recognitions and awards. This company has put together a business that offers a product that many people want, but are rather embarrassed to purchase from a retail store. The Passion Parties are fun, informative and discreet, which seems like a winning combination.

Building Your Online Presence

I attended a networking event yesterday and was shocked to discover that I was the only one in the room with an online presence. Wow, to say that I was amazed is an understatement. In this day and age I think that it is safe to say that if you people don not see you online they will not see you offline.For those of you who are still resisting marketing online, I will give you two reasons why you should do so immediately:
Personal BrandingOne major advantage on online marketing is leverage. Leverage is the ability to do more with less. For example, I can take this article and I can blast it all my social networking sites via Facebook and twitter. I can post it to my blog. I can then turn around and make a video and take that video and send it to many different video sites. Do you get it yet? All of that exposure from one little article. You never know how far one article will go. Now if you were only marketing off line there is absolutely no way that you would have that kind of leverage. The other thing that you are leveraging is money. The internet is free marketing heaven. There are so many sites that you can use to effectively place you out there as a leader, as an expert if you use it correctly. The most obvious site that you can leverage is face book. You can add up to 5,000 friends, create a fan page, start your own group and interact with all of these people for FREE. Just make sure that you are always adding value and not posting crap, which is the fastest way to be deleted from my account.The second reason why you need to market online is personal branding. You are your brand and you are the CEO of YOU, Inc., so what are you waiting for? Remember, people join people, not businesses. They are looking for leaders. Your future business partners and clients want to know who you are and what you represent. They want to connect with you. You have the opportunity to show your personality through your videos, blogs, articles, or however you decide to present your online. That's the beauty of online marketing. Personal branding is something that you need to take time and study because once the brand is created the last thing you want to do is start making lots of changes. Change a brand and you need to reconnect with your audience.There you have it. Still not convinced that online marketing is the way to go? Google the name of the top income earners in any business and tell me what you find. See you on internet land.Live your life,Golda

USANA Review - Usana - An Inside Look For Your Success

Dr. Myron Wentz founded the Usana Health Sciences, Inc. Dr. Wentz obtained his Ph.D. in the field of microbiology and specialized in immunology. He believes in the science of prevention through supplements and a proper diet. Usana markets in 14 countries including the US. Their headquarters are located in the Salt Lake City, Utah.The Products:Vitamin supplements to weight loss products of numerous variety. Skin & hair care products, shower gels & anti-aging creams.
Nutritional bars & soy meal replacement drinks.
Energy drinks & energy drink powder additive. Usana products appeal to the market of health conscious consumers as well as professional athletes including U.S. Speed Skating, Speed Skating Canada & Biathlon Canada just to name a few. Athletes around the globe have trusted USANA nutritional supplements to increase their energy levels and maintain their health.The Company Plan & You:Usana uses a binary compensation plan and makes claims that the average established, full-time associate will make $85,000 annually. The company claims $23,300 is the average annual income for Associates who earn as little as one commission check a month. Similar to many other network marketing companies out there, Usana utilizes the warm market approach of friends and family and has very limited associate training resources available. They provide promotional products at an additional cost to you such as DVD packs for prospecting purposes and magazines to hand out that tells about how successful the company & it's top associates have been.Average Experience:If you can gain marketing experience and expertise from reading about other peoples success then more power to you. Unfortunately, most of us don't know the first thing about marketing and running a network marketing business when we get involved with one. The usual story most of us are given when we start in this business is, "All you need is three people who know three people". Most new people put in an average of 3-5 months and 2.1 people into their business. They try various methods including parties, fliers and giving out costly samples. This is the point where most people give up and call it a loss. Those people that do stick it out end up putting thousands of dollars into throwing weekly meetings. The purpose of these is the hope that enough associates will bring prospects to hear some success stories from a few who have succeeded and get inspired to do the same.

iLearning Global is Closing its Doors - So What is Next For Their Members? Review

ilearning Global is closing its doors as of this month and many of its marketers are wondering what is next. For many programs like this the economy and competition seems to be the leading factors, but is there hope for the individuals who invested just a year ago?iLearning Global was based upon further education for many in the multilevel and network marketing industries and as of March, this tool and avenue of income for some is closing it's doors, but this is not without an alternative. IG is merely changing their name and compensation structure to what is now called DailySuccessStream due to open it's doors in April of 2010. The system will be similar to that of the former IG except for compensation and entry fees.So far there is no mention of compensation set up with the new system only an easier system to access the training for individuals seeking education in the multilevel marketing and network marketing industry. The entry fee has lowered from nearly $80 dollars to almost $60 and of course the monthly fee with the old IG that stood at $180 will remain the same. The system however does come with many tools and solid trainings 24/7 and is touted as having a much simpler system in place to access the trainings that before had been a bit trying at times.The company headed by Brian Tracy is of course will be providing the commissions that have been earned by their marketers with iLearning Global through March. The once marketers also have the offering of being "grandfathered" into the new platform with an entry cost of around $40 dollars and a continual fee of $180 each month. The live seminars will still be available at cost as well.Many who have joined this system may feel a little lost, but remember, there are many learning platforms out there and the industry is only moving forward, even now. Learning to effectively market your product, opportunity or business with continual education is a step that should always be taken forward, even if the platform you have been a part of is no longer available. Keep your head up...there is always opportunity to be found.

MLM Personalities Series - Utopian Yellow

We are continuing our series on personalities for your mulit-level marketing training. To quickly recap the purpose, network marketing is a people-based business. In other words, the foundation to success in this industry lies in our relationship building. The more we understand people and the various personalities, the more we can relate to individuals, recognize their needs, and provide solutions while "speaking their language."Remember, our product is people, not our nutrient drink or coffee beans! When we come to this realization, our business will begin to take a new direction in the positive. Studying people is vital, and plays a significant role in prospecting. The sooner we appreciate this truth, the better, so let's continue with the second of the four personality types...Yellow!A Yellow personality welcomes a utopia atmosphere, embracing everyone in their presence. They are your nurturing, gentle, caring natured beings who love the world. When you're conversing with a Yellow, you will find that they will talk, then listen to you, talk, then listen to you, showing genuine concern about your passions & goals. They're attracted to seeing others do well, and dislike bullies, conflicts, and pushy aggressive people.Here are common characteristics of a Yellow personality:• Team players and family-oriented• Value unity• Tend to be teachers, ministers, social and union workers• Open about their feelings, but indirect• Great desire to help others• Motivated by a cause that will positively impact the worldAs you can imagine, Yellow's are relationship oriented, so building solid teams is certainly one of their strengths. Weaknesses lie in their sensitivity to rejection and buying others excuses. They are great leaders once they are nudged and overcome this weakness.What to say when prospecting with a Yellow? Talk about the causes that your company donates to. Discuss goals they have for their family and how taking advantage of this opportunity will help support their endeavors. Also share how their role as a leader will directly impact their team towards success in their goals.Remember, they love helping people... show how your opportunity allows them to do just that, and you have a strong player on your team!


Residual Income Opportunities - Making Money on the Internet by Investing Your Time

Residual income refers to a steady income over a long period of time. There are many such residual income opportunities available, and most of them are easy to start and are home based opportunities. All you need is a computer and two hours everyday to start off. Such jobs are easy and regular sources of income.The more time you spend the more money can you make. Though there are a plenty of opportunities available on the net, care should be taken while selecting the correct one. Some sites offer a very high fee, but in the end you may not get what was assured.Most of these jobs include placing advertisements on websites. For each advertisement you post you get paid. The advertisement would carry your web link, and you earn for every click made to the web link. Many renowned organizations like Wal-Mart, pets mart are working into such models.It is a great source of income for students and homemakers. All you need to do is spend some quality time in searching for the right ads and sites to place your ads. The payment modes are usually online via pay pal, so there are no reasons to worry regarding the payment to the client.Once you start making money, you can create multiple streams by including your friends into it. These types of jobs are easy and fun to do. Residual income opportunities offer you a regular income as long as your ad links get clicked regularly. Some after gaining sufficient expertise go on to start their own websites where they invite other people to place their ads and they earn a larger chunk of the money generated through that.These kinds of opportunities are available in all the sites but care should be taken while choosing because there are many fake sites out there. It is important to do your research before joining any online jobs to ensure you are not cheated after you spend your time on it.

Legitimate Home Business Ideas That Are True Businesses

In this article I want to talk about real businesses that you can create from legitimate home business ideas. This will get rid a few ways to earn money on the internet I consider legitimate, but are not really businesses.For example, reading emails, taking paid surveys, doing data entry, and typing in home are ways to make money, but are not really businesses. These are more work at home type of jobs.Legitimate home business ideas that are real businesses provide a product or service that addresses needs and provides a benefit for the customer. Here are a few ideas that come to mind using the Internet.1. Start your own network marketing business providing an Internet based product. Internet based products have no shipping which allows you to build a worldwide business much quicker.Examples of this would be domain names, membership sites, success training, and so on. Whenever possible find a network marketing business that has limited competition as this will increase the odds of you being successful.2. Legitimate home businesses are ones that have proven themselves over time. Providing services for other Internet marketers is extremely timely right now.Anything that an Internet business needs done that they do not know how to do themselves, or do not have time to do, is a potential Internet business for you. There really is no shortage of things you could make money doing for other people.For example blog writing is extremely profitable right now. There are blogs on every subject that you can imagine that need articles written for them.You can even legitimize your business more by offering an extra service such as posting blog articles for the blogger. Adding one extra feature like this can make you a lot of money.3. Here is another business idea that is extremely legitimate. Become an affiliate marketer and get paid to sell products for merchants. Actually you can even make money has an affiliate marketer by not selling products.Examples of this include pay per click affiliate programs and cost per action programs. Sharp affiliate marketers earn six and seven-figure incomes and do it from the comfort of their own home!There really are millions of affiliate programs to join right now. They are legitimate because they provide products people have a need for, and they pay their affiliates on time.These are several legitimate home business ideas that are real businesses. There is nothing fake about these because you will get paid either by your customer or by the program you are representing.

Tips to Consider For Joining Multi Level Marketing

It seems that there are a number of pyramid scams out there and people around the globe have this doubt of joining multi level marketing business groups because of this reason. However, if you will be able to copy those people who already achieved success in multi level marketing, you do not need to worry anything as there are a lot of multi level marketing firms out there. The only thing you can do now is to learn how to identify a scam from those that are not.Obviously, the reason why there are many people joined multi level marketing is that the money they will earn is much more than they expect though you should also consider how to make money out of Multi Level marketing to become successful. It isn't hard when you have learned the ropes.There is no doubt about it that the best motivator on this field is monetary. This is why many people were encouraged to be part of the multi level marketing success. Even the hardest times of multi level marketing, still many have achieved and gained success.Even though monetary is the best motivator of multi level marketing, it can't still give you instant money or you can't be rich in overnight success. You do the work and meet your goals. It's extremely important and vital to all members. You can achieve it if you are willing to be part of it with determination. However, you can still earn fast if you go with MLM group that already built a big number of members and are willing to help you out find members for your down lines.During this economic dilemma, lots of people are searching for different ways of becoming successful in MLM online. Perhaps by now you are just a starter, it would be harder for you to begin in acquiring the right ideas and information. Then, you need to read below information. Here are some tips that will aid you towards success.What is your outlook in life? You need to develop it. This is just like any endeavors you are encountering. This will aid you prevent quitting time when it needs you to work hard no matter what the results of your effort. The right outlook will always give you the reason to stay and move on towards success.If you have the passion on what you know that makes your life worthy of is one major key to go on and find the right MLM business opportunity set up. Of course, multi level marketing companies always have products to promote with. So, when joining an MLM group, you should consider the products that go along with your passion and eventually enjoy what you are marketing. That will lead you to monetary success.It is best to know what you really want to promote and will continue promoting it on a daily basis. A member who always keeps on changing the products he or she is promoting would be the hardest part of achieving success. Be consistent always. Yes, it's easy to choose a product, but if you always change it into different one after it didn't work well in just a small period of time, there is no way you can achieve success.So, better yet apply these simple tips before plunging into the world of business.

Honest Review of the Numis Network

Numis Network has been generating a lot of buzz lately. If you've stumbled upon this site, chances are you're probably deciding whether you will try this network or not. Read on so you will have an unbiased perception on the Numis Network. It's only fair to present you with both the good and bad feedback in order to assist you in making your decision.Numis Network specializes in selling gold and silver coins, particularly containing numismatic value. The goal is to become the biggest retailer the world over. In fact, the company has already paired up with Mike Mezack. Mezack is a notorious marketer of Numismatics.You have to realize that Numismatics is a large industry. It earns more than $100 billion every year. Only little is done through the model of the network. Therefore, the territory is unchartered by other companies. You also have to take note that there are so many Numis Network distributors that do not know this. Various MLM companies have tried their hand in selling precious gold and silver coins but not all of them can last as long as they want.MLM companies need to be educated on the trade of gold and silver coins. If they think that this is an easy business, they are mistaken. If you know how to go around Numis Network, you will definitely make money from your gold and silver coins. If you are having doubts about joining this industry, you shouldn't worry because a lot of people have already spent a lot of money on the MLM industry. They also regard this as relatively untapped. If this is the network that you choose to participate in, you will see that you will never encounter MLM companies that are considered your competition. You wouldn't be vouching for the more effective and less expensive coin. Chances are, you already have the coin with you.Now, here are the downsides. For one, the fixed value product of the coin cannot be marked up. Whatever pay you decide in the Network Marketing, this should be the significant down line already. That is why you have to mark the product up with a fixed market value early on. In that way, the Numis Network does not pay more than what the actual product sales reflect.Another disadvantage to Numis Network is the product cannot be patented, copyrighted, or innovated. It can be duplicated various times and this will mean loss for the entrepreneur. Therefore, if you are participating in Numis Network, you must be very innovative enough to adjust to what the times is expecting from you. What I see as the biggest disadvantage to the Numis network is the current price of gold and silver. Gold is at an all time high tapping out at over $1000 per ounce. As we all saw with the housing marketing everything has its peaks and valleys. Gold has never been this high in its history and has climbed 60% in the past 6 years, which is historical. Anyone who gets involved in the Numis Network will be buying gold at an inflated price. As with the housing market, gold and silver will surly go down in value as does all commodities. The key is to buy low and sale high. Purchasing gold at today's market value for a long term investment may prove to be unwise.Now that you've seen the pros and cons of Numis Network, you can make a choice on whether you should join or not. You can make money if you know where to hit and how far to go. You can make it possible for you if you know the value of all your gold and silver coins. You have to understand the business in order for you to get your money back. If you're really good, you may even get more.

Residual Business Income Opportunity - Best Online Business

Lets talk about the residual business income opportunity. The way that many of these network marketers are getting such great passive income streams, is by having such a large down line of distributors underneath them These people are leaders and would probably succeed in any company, let alone the network marketing business.You need to treat your home based business exactly as you would treat a real business. It is really important to build momentum and keep the gas pedal down. There is no such thing as a get rich quick business or a millionaire made over night. It is easier to become a millionaire online and in a much faster period of time. It is pertinent to have a great work ethic and learn.Everyone is looking for a residual business income opportunity but nobody wants to work for it. You must build your business and not stop when their are obstacles that get in your way. The reason that 97% of network marketers fail is because they quit before they start to see any success. I would give your business at least two to five years before you take a good look at whether you should quit or not.With a residual business income opportunity you need to have a proven marketing system that allows you to build a large down line of distributors. The new network marketers are leveraging the internet to generate multiple leads to bring into their business every day. There are many things to learn online in order to be successful and you need to have a training system to break that learning curve.Many people really want to have the freedom of a passive income. It is easier than you think to achieve this, however their is no magic solution to achieving these results. Just like any opportunity, if it were simple then everyone would be doing it.

MLM Business Training - Online Network Marketing Training For Top Producers

The network marketing industry has a very unfortunate statistic associated with it - a failure rate of over 90%. Why is that? It comes down to one simple missing piece - MLM business training. This is a business of marketing and promotion that attracts people who often have no idea how to market or promote. And unfortunately, most companies don't provide adequate MLM business training to address these missing skills. This is why people struggle and disappear. The good news is that they are easy to learn, and with today's technological tools they are easier than ever for the average person to master. This article brings attention to the 3 most critical areas that must be mastered in MLM business training in order to be successful.MLM Business Training - Leadership and Personal DevelopmentOne area that is sometimes neglected is the area of leadership and personal development. Few people understand completely how important it is to be growing and developing as a person, and the impact that has on that person's success in this industry. Here's why: before anyone buys any product or service, what do they buy? They buy YOU. Period. And if you are not a person of high character, of high value, with something truly important to offer, it doesn't matter what product or business you represent. It's that simple.So you must grow as a person and as a leader. How do you do this? You study. You study and train with leaders and successful people. You read books, you take courses, you belong to MLM business training groups. You spend time with and partner with people of higher quality than YOU, so that as they share their value you can soak it up and grow further.MLM Business Training - Teamwork and Team DevelopmentAs an extension of the leadership development that a person must undergo, there must be a component of teamwork and team development as well. After all, this is an industry of SERVANT leadership. Your true role, if you're to be massively successful, is to empower and uplift others. Some people come by this skill set naturally, and are born to serve others. But it can be learned and developed just as well through proper MLM business training.MLM Business Training - MARKETING MARKETING MARKETINGThe only way to be successful in MLM business is to learn how to market and promote yourself and your business. Period. It is a numbers game. The person who understands how to put their product and opportunity in front of a MASSIVE amount of people who want it will win, hands down. This is the most critical area, and unfortunately this is where most companies fall short. They have lofty promises about how great your business is going to be, about how much money you're all going to make, and then they say "Go!" and leave you on your own. This does not work, and this ONE gap in MLM business training probably accounts for most of the 90% failure rate.The good news is that there are people who teach these skills, no matter what company you have decided to partner with. You can learn how to leverage technology to put your message in front of HUGE amounts of people who are actually looking for what you have, bringing a steady stream of pre-qualified prospects to you literally on autopilot. Learn these skills of MLM business training, and you will set yourself free.


Getting Rid of Distractions When Working at Home

Kids fighting! Doorbell! Telephone ringing! Time for that TV Show! Does this sound familiar with your business? Now, here is something that can help you or you and your spouse in growing your home business and eliminating the distractions.First, let us talk about kids. Now, if they are babies, you will have to plan and work around their schedule. Yes, they may have fussy days, but remember, you do not have to work 8 hours straight. Now, as the kids get older, get them involved. Now, your business hinges on you getting calls to customers. Some will say business partners, but customers should be your main emphasis and they pay the bills. So, simplify it for your kids. When you talk to 5 people, you go and play a game and set reward points. When you get $100 of sales, you go to McDonald's playground. Make it fun. Now, for your oldest kid, your spouse, set a schedule and hang it on your door. And when it is time to go home, leave the office.For the doorbell, if I do not hear a death scream or smell smoke, I do not care who is at the door. If a courier has a package, they will give you a place to pick it up or you can have them leave it at your door. Chances are, it is someone who wants to take you away from your business. Remember, you set your schedule, so you should be able to plan around kids leaving and coming back home.Now, you should have a business line and your home line. If it is an emergency, make sure that who needs it for emergencies can call your business number or create a way for someone to signal you to call on the home number. If someone abuses it, you can change the signal.Time for that favorite TV show? This is easy! Plan around it and commit to the plan or just get a DVR or Tivo! If you could become successful in a couple of years, would it be worth missing one or two shows?Now, if you and your spouse are working together, which is a great way to be connected, set a schedule so that you both get time with the children, time off, and time together. You are in control of your schedule. Make it fair. If one spouse is always away from kids, one spouse may get upset and that will have a negative impact on your business.Now, cleaning the office and organizing should not be counted as time you are working on the business. If it is not leading to a sale, then do not count the time as productive time.If you're getting marketing training, you should find a way to study and implement what you learn. This will lead to sales so it is time you should count as productive time. I teach the people I mentor to make sure they do time management and there are not many courses on the market that help network marketers, because they are normally set for the 8-5 time slots and do not factor in family. This is where I talk about the distractions because it is more effective time management for your business. So find someone who will help you and hold you accountable.

Understand MLM Prospecting to Explode Your Downline

Are you struggling in your MLM business? Unable to build a downline? It may be your MLM prospecting skills. This one skill set can help you explode your downline and build a profitable business. In this article we are going to discuss ways to generate MLM leads and how to turn more prospects into signups.MLM prospecting is really just being able to grab the attention of a person, drive that person to your business website and then get them interested in signing up with your opportunity. Now...if the person decides to sign up, then you explain to them how things work and how to get started. You are now duplicating your efforts and building residual passive income.One successful element of MLM prospecting is to learn not to come off as a pushy salesman, instead get your potential prospects to see you as an expert in your industry. They need to see you as a person who wants to help with their problem. You can identify their pain or problem with open end questions either in your advertising or on the phone. Once you know their pain, you can provide a solution....your opportunity.There are many tools that you can utilize on the Internet to help you with your MLM prospecting. A very powerful tool for prospecting is the search engines. Google, Yahoo and MSN are probably the top 3, with Google being the 800 pound gorilla. You can learn to use these search engines to present your opportunity or product to people, drive these now MLM prospects to your site and have them sign up for your opportunity or product.Mastering Web 2.0 marketing techniques is a very powerful and popular way that many successful online marketers use. This form of advertising uses article marketing, video marketing and social media marketing tactics to attract MLM prospects. Now, the popular theory is that these techniques cost nothing, not so. Yes, most cost nothing to start but they do require your time, and time is money. So do not take these powerful techniques lightly, study each one and master them for maximum success.Invest in yourself by taking the time to get educated on the most current methods of attracting MLM prospects. By mastering these new skill sets you will be able to leverage your time and increase your productivity. All you have to do is understand the basic concept of MLM prospecting to experience great success, do not try and re-invent the wheel. Stick with what works and the basics to MLM prospecting.To Your Success,Gerald Stidham

Mona Via MLM - Legit?

This is a review of the Mova Vie (MV) product and the MLM associated with it. MV is a "health" drink that's main ingredient is the acai berry. The acai berry is an inch-long reddish, purple fruit. It comes from the acai palm tree (Euterpe oleracea), which is native to Central and South America. It is a relative of the blueberry, cranberry, and other dark purple fruits. The founder of the MV has "perfected" a technique of freeze drying the Acai Berry to ensure it is of the highest caliber when it is to be bottled following it's trek to the manufacturer after being picked. MV claims to have double gross profits up in the hundreds of millions in the past 24 months. While these numbers are staggering, Mona Via is privately held which means those numbers are not being released to the public.Among some of the benefits MV claims it's users will have are:Potent antioxidant protection against free radicals. Nutritional benefits for all ages Contains antioxidant polyphenols, which studies suggest may play an important role in long-term health.Within the MV name are a few different types of MV juice, all involving the acai berry which claim to promote immune building and energy boosts.To become a member, or distributor of the MV product, an individual must be put on the product distribution list. A bottle of MV runs for about $40. A bulk order is a bit cheaper and the price goes down the bigger bulk order you have (I won't go into all the particulars as this is simply a review). At this point, you can begin recruiting others to join in to become monthly distributors. As you add people on, you accumulate credits and points. The more people you get, the more income you can earn. Also, Mona Vie offers the ability to build "legs" underneath you. You grow each of your legs as you move on, where then you can also earn on the people you brought on as distributors growing their business. It is important to keep adding to both legs in order to maximize return.MV mentions "health experts" as the one's who are stating the benefits, and we do not know what their definition of an expert is. Per WebMD, in theory, antioxidants may help prevent diseases caused by oxidative stress such as heart disease and cancer, but it is not proven and acai berries have no known health benefit that's any different than that of other similar fruits.So, my final take on the MV phenomenon is this. If people try it and like it and feel it betters them, then absolutely drink it. And in today's market, where everyone is always looking to try different ways to feel better and age gracefully, having a product that claims to do that is a great marketing tool. The product was also endorsed by Oprah and Rachel Ray, so it has some celebrity backing. When Googling MV, you are hard pressed to find real concrete negative information about the actual product itself, just that many of its claims are not scientifically proven.This is a legitimate company with legitimate ownership in which you can make money if you can bring in a lot of people. However, due to the high cost of the product on a monthly basis, and the fact you are having to sell to a limited demographic of people, it may not be an easy sell.

Mike Dillard's What's Working Now Review

First Off, Mike Dillard is one of the most successful leaders in the Network Marketing Industry. He went from being a poor waiter to a multi millionaire internet entrepreneur. I took him almost 10 years to accomplish this feat and he worked very hard and spent countless hours to achieve this success. He is going to share with you not only what has worked for him, but what all of the other successful industry leaders are doing right now also!What's working now is a custom memory stick or USB stick. This stick provides you with the first month subscription of the low down scoop on what the most successful leaders in this industry are doing NOW!The memory stick is only about $10 and comes with free shipping. What Mike does not tell you until you get to the sales page, is that you will have 3 monthly subscription options once you get there.Silver Package 1You will receive the USB drive and then be charged a monthly fee of $37 dollars which will include a bonus two hour webinar and your monthly newsletter of what the top industry leaders are doing to create mass amounts of leads to their business.Gold Package 2In this option you will receive the USB drive and the webinar bonus. With this option Mike throws in the gold member question and answer session webinar. This is exclusive for package 2 members. This subscription costs about $67 a month.Platinum Package 3With this option you will receive the USB Drive, the bonus 2 hour webinar, The question and answer webinar, and the special monthly inside the life of Mike training. For this package, it will cost you about $97 dollars a month.There has been so much information overload in the network marketing industry that it is great to have one of the top producers finally come out with a great system like this. I would recommend this system for an intermediate network marketer. This is for the MLM business owner that has seen some success building business and is ready to take the next step to being a Rock Star in this industry.

Attraction Marketing in a Nutshell

Attraction Marketing - The marketing approach that establishes you as an expert, leader, authority of the brand that is You.com/INC/LLC...you get the point. Positioning yourself, through various online platforms, as one to be sought after and known. All major marketing companies use this approach to attract buying customers, raving fans and yes, even devoted disciples. Attraction marketing is the lone most imperative characteristic of marketing that must be in every MLM/network marketer's repertoire. To have MLM/Network marketing success YOU MUST LEARN AND MASTER ATTRACTION MARKETING.Longevity in MLM/Network marketing industry hinges on ones ability to learn and master the 7 principles of attraction marketing this is a well known fact. Settling for instant gratification many marketers forgo learning these principles and sub-sequentially fail in MLM/Network marketing altogether.The failure rate in this industry is amazing people fail hard and quickly, because they market company replicated corporate websites and pray for a advantageous outcome when the prospect makes it to the site.This business is all about building relationships. Just because you may not personally meet all of your leads and reps but they will "virtually" meet you; through all the information you put out there about yourself via emails, Facebook, Twitter, web sites, blogs, eBooks, press releases etc...and they will both like and admire you or they will push you out-of-the-way and go looking for an alternative leader that meets their needs.Keep in mind all this information must be relevant to what people are looking for in your case MLM/network marketing success,or a home based business, or income/work from home opportunity/business. Whatever you write about make sure that you solve some type of problem or give good advise in such a way as to make it seem like you are Wilson from Home Improvement.Here are the 7 tools of attraction marketing:1. You and the Value You Transport to the Market - This is where personal education comes into play; understand the skills that are informative to your niche (marketing, lead generation, copywriting, personal branding, leadership...etc) master them and share them. you get paid for helping people reach their goals, the more the better.2. Lead Capture Page - A straightforward page or site that has a compelling proposition, something of significance, in exchange for the prospect's contact information (if you get the prospect's phone number you've increased your chances of having a qualified lead). You can use free training, video or video series, eBooks, reports anything that will be useful to the prospect so that they will give you their information in exchange.3. Autoresponder - This is an email service that follows up with your prospect in order to develop more rapport and offer more value to them on a continual basis. Every message needs to be little bits of you; what you represent and what you offer as a leader so that your prospect can get to know you better and you can automatically start to build your relationship.4. Bio Page - This is where your prospects come to meet "you". This is important because the more people know about you in your niche the more they lower their guard and the more they will respect you and what you do. They will be more willing to give you their money. Put your story everywhere it is suitable: Facebook, MySpace, blog, YouTube you get the point.5. A Funded Proposal - No one ever wanted to buy a drill, they needed to make a hole. So then offer your prospect some information on how to make the best hole in the universe (by the way did you know that Joe Smith sells drills that make holes just like that). Of course the information comes with a price but it's relatively economical under $60 so that the prospect will not have remorse about spending too much. This is also a limited risk free offer, which tends to alleviate stress as well. These offers are high converting and help you the marketer get money even if the prospect only wants that piece of information and nothing else. At least you made that sale and what's more if you satisfy the costumer they will be repeat customers.6. Affiliate Marketing - Targeted offers to your list that involve products that you recommend, services, seminars, courses, coaching etc. This is your long term success strategy for once you have a satisfied buyer they will buy again.7. Primary Business Opportunity - For MLM/Network marketers this is the main company that you promote. If you have done all the other principles accurately you will have no problem promoting this business because your sales funnel is ushering them down to this very point, to work with you directly. This is your big payday, when done correctly it is not uncommon that a skilled attraction marketer will make 5-10 (that's generous) new rep into their primary business per day.That's it folks, that's attraction marketing. Study it! Breathe it, for the sooner you do, the sooner you will see you income redouble on autopilot. If that is your desire then I suggest you get busy building You, Inc. because that's where your cornerstone is: your business begins and ends with you.

A Home Business Opportunity - Are Gold and Silver the Best MLM Programs?

With the economy in turmoil over the past couple of years, not only in the U.S. but on a global scale, many people are looking at different and creative ways to generate income and make ends meet. With the unemployment rate reaching double figures and well beyond in many areas across America, our lifestyles of three years ago have certainly been reduced to say the least.With jobs being slashed and uncertainty in the air, many people are taking action into their own hands by creating new sources of income. As a result an explosion in the home business industry is occurring as people everywhere are opening up shop. Only now their shop is within the confines of a cozy home in the attire of their choice. Thanks to the internet there is no longer a need to rent a brick and mortar site to earn a profit. As a matter of fact a store front is now often a casualty to the economy as well. Now our economic environment is creating a niche' for the gold and silver MLM as a solid network marketing opportunity.As the U.S. Dollar flounders during our deep recession the value of precious metals continues to steadily rise. Some economic specialists predict that the ceiling for escalating gold and silver values is nowhere near its peak. Precious metals forecaster Michael Maloney believes that gold and silver are only at 20% of their ultimate peak value. Whether this proves to be true remains to be seen. However, there is no evidence of a slowdown when considering all of the unpredictable economic indicators.So how does this lead to the development of a gold and silver as the best MLM program or at least a very popular one. There are several factors leading to precious metal popularity for sure but three primary factors favor the gold and silver MLM.1. Obviously the state of our economy is primary. More people are looking to make an income any way possible and MLM or network marketing opportunities are taking off in popularity.2. The values of gold and silver are skyrocketing and collection of gold and silver bullion and coins are a sign of public concern. Precious metals always hold value and represent the standard currency in many nations for centuries. Gold and silver are truly a safe and secure investment with values looking to rise for quite some time.3. Compared to consumable products, which account for more that 40% of all network marketing companies, gold and silver offer increased investment value resulting in improved personal or household assets. In essence a gold and silver MLM actually market real sustainable money. The value of these metals may be worth three or five times their current value in the next five years giving owners a huge return on investment.Like any business model, MLM network marketing success is not typically due to the product itself but with the business owner who through effort and dedication is able to introduce and build value through the product offered. Now in today's world it does not hurt when your product is gold and silver because many people already understand its true asset value and realize that it may someday be our currency once again.


Stick it Out For the Big Win in Work From Home

This is the one that gets most people in any work from home business. You are told over and over again how you will make money the minute you sign up. So you take the plunge and start your own online business expecting to make good, not crazy, but good money in your first month. But when you don't see epic results in the first two week you start to lose momentum. This leads most people to the conclusion that they must not be doing it right or this program is a scam. The answer might surprise you and also help you sleep at night.There are many reasons for a business to fail not to mention an online business, but what if you are doing all the right stuff, how can you improve on that? First you must understand just how big the internet is and not only that how many people are involved in internet marketing. I for one truly feel that the only untruth in internet marketing is how fast it works. Unless you have buckets of money to play the PPC (pay per click) game, the only way people will find your product or opportunity is in the organic searches. Organic searches are the list of links you will find on the left side of the page on the Google page. One must understand that even with advance SEO (search engine optimization) skills it can take anywhere from a month to six months to show up on the pages you would like to campaign on.So just with that little bit of information you can begin to understand that very few online business will become successful over night. Now of course there are always the individuals that can make their content or message go viral with the click of a button. It is for this reason that it is so important to find a good internet marketing coach that can help you learn how to have your message explode on the net like a video of a celebrity in an "oh no" moment. As Great as Google is, they sort around a million pages of text a day. You must give them some time to get to yours. If you would like to make this happen faster you must understand how to help Google and educate yourself in SEO, this way Google will understand exactly how to put you were you want. I will not get into how this is done in this article, but feel free to stop by my full time blog for tips and ideas on this subject.The biggest problem that comes with not understanding this topic is it forces people to panic. They find newer and faster programs or products that promise even bigger and better results. So they must start from scratch again. All the work they have done in the last month is now for nothing. They are starting fresh and must wait for Google to sort and place the new information they have posted. As you can see this is a vicious circle that can go on for years. This is great for the people selling these products, but really bad for your bank account, not to mention your self esteem.Internet marketing is like any business, you must be willing to have staying power. Don't get me wrong, internet marketing is still one of the fastest and most profitable, not to mention one of the lowest costing businesses to start. But really guys, if you can start a business from scratch with no knowledge of the industry you are entering, and in 30 days you stand to make five figures a month, don't you think Wall Street would be all over this?So how long does it take? Being an internet marketing coach I always inform my business partners that if you are not seeing any results in 100 days, I feel something is broken in your business plan. Of course it is my job to find that broken link in the online business, but you must give yourself and your company 100 days just to see if what you are doing is being well received by your future business partners.Don't be the dog looking in the water for an extra bone. If you have a product or an opportunity that you believe in, you must give it time to work. Of course you never put your head down in business and keep making the same mistake over and over again. But if you don't believe in your product surely you cannot expect anyone else to.

Top Tier & MLM Online Business Marketing Secrets Part 1 of 4

If you have a Top Tier or MLM online business you want to know all the marketing secrets. I just paid $497 to watch a webinar with two 7 figure Internet Marketers that completely spilled the beans on their secrets. It was fantastic!On your landing page, make sure that you have your title in red and between quotation marks. You have seen that plenty of times but many of us fail to do so. This will increase your opt in rate by 3% to 5%. Our eyes are programmed to zoom in on quotation marks, this is proven by heat mapping.Proactive Or Reactive MarketersWhen you are working your online business, are you busier generating leads via article writing, videos, PPC, or busier looking for them in your email? This will tell you whether or not you are a proactive marketer or a reactive marketer. The sooner you learn to keep yourself busy generating leads, the more leads you will get.The proactive marketers are constantly battling their fears by placing ads, putting on live webinars, getting in front of that video camera. Stretching themselves so they will eventually get comfortable with being uncomfortable. The best place to be! While the reactive marketers are the ones sitting back wondering why they don't have any leads, thinking about all the ways of getting them, but rarely or never taking action.WebinarsIf you have at least 15 leads, broadcast an email telling them you are hosting a webinar. Use ad copy to reel them in. Even if you only have 1 or 2 people attend, this will give you practice hosting webinars, making you more comfortable and confident. The more value you give, the fuller your pockets will be.The first time you host a webinar, plan on something going wrong. We spend so much time preparing, thinking what could possibly go wrong. That when something does go wrong, we freak out and don't know how to handle it. After that, 90% are devastated and don't host one again, the other 10% learn from it and get better. Be part of the top earners and get over it!In the webinar, be transparent. Let your audience get to know you better. Tell them why you do what you do, whether you have kids or elderly parents to care for. Let them in on your "why", people can relate and appreciate it.Live Vs. Pre-recordedObviously it is much more comfortable doing a pre-recorded webinar. You don't have the technical difficulties while you're live, you don't have to interact, answer questions, etc. you don't have to do a lot of things. But think about it, do you yourself prefer live webinars so you can interact with the host or do you prefer pre-recorded ones?I myself prefer to watch it live first so I can ask questions in the que, then I do like to watch them archived so I can take better notes. However, if the initial invitation was to watch a pre-recorded webinar, theres very little appeal to that. So be sure to have live webinars, letting people get to know you better, open it up to Q&A and stretch yourself. You'll be shocked by what YOU get out of it!These are some of the secrets of successful 7 figure online marketers in MLM and Top Tier Direct Marketing. Top Tier & MLM Online Business Marketing Secrets Part 2 discusses does & don'ts of PPC-The Cash Machine!

Xango Review - Don't Join Until You Read This!

The Xango Scam! Is this home business really a scam? Does Xango work? Does Xango juice have side effects? These are some of the questions that we have been asked over the past weeks. So we decided to gather up some Xango facts and do a Review on the Company.Xango InformationXango Scam? Well let's take a look. It is a network marketing/ mlm company. The company has been around since September 11, 2002. The company was created by Gary Hollister, Aaron Garrity, Joe Morton, Gordon Morton, Kent Wood and Bryan Davis. The Xango is located in Utah. There are over a million Xango distributors. Their territory includes the U.S. Canada, Mexico, Russia Portugal, Germany, Malaysia, Spain and a lot more. Their product is Xango juice.The ProductStill thinking Xango scam? Now let's look at their products. The main product is called Xango juice. The first juice is called Mangosteen and the second is called the Xango single. The Xango Juice is claimed to contain a lot of phytonutrients, which contains xanthones, catechins, flavonoids, and proanthocyanidins. The Mangosteen fruit is primarily grown in Southeast Asia. There are also other products but we chose to just talk about their main product. Does Xango work? We don't know because we've never used the products. But the company would not last this long if their products were not good.Compensation PlanXango scam? Xango does not qualify as a scam because they have a good product and a good business opportunity. Now we will talk about the compensation plan. There are 4 ways that you can get paid from Xango. First is retail sales. This is when you buy Xango juice or their other products at wholesale and sell it at retail. Second is power start. This is paid when you make a sales order within the first month of signing up. Third is power start, this is paid to the first two qualifying xango distributors. Finally is the quarterly bonus pool. Qualifying Xango distributors get 3% of global sales each quarter.Success with XangoXango has created some great tools to help you successfully grow you're business. This however is not all you need to become a Top Earner. What Xango distributors won't tell you is that you need to BRAND YOURSELF not just the company, maybe for this reason some call Xango a scam. You will need to be able to recruit at least 10 people per month. The best way to do this is to learn how to BRAND YOUR SELF not just the company. People only do business with people they know, like, and trust and people they think can make them money. All master marketers know this.

Attraction Marketing Training - Why Most Attraction Marketing Sucks Training For Network Marketers

Attraction marketing is a buzz-word used in two different ways; the first, in the online marketing industry (and over-used in network marketing realm). It's a synonym for "lead generation", in that you "attract" leads that are looking for what you have with some sort of offer that is appealing to that market...typically for free.The issue with attraction marketing is that it's touted as the "be all, end all" of growing and developing a successful organization. While generating leads is critical for any business, what happens when someone magnetically and irresistibly attracts 500 new people that are interested in what you have? If you don't have the skills to prospect, close, and train those people, then all you have is 500 people (that have probably cost you time and money to attract) who you cannot assist or monetize.It is the answer for people who are still using their friends and family members as their primary source of leads (hint: they aren't leads. They're friends and family. Leave them alone, and market to people who are already looking for what you have), simply because it gets a networker out of the mindset of having to pitch everyone on what they have. With proper lead generation, they can simply focus their efforts on the people who have demonstrated that they are looking for the types of solution that the marketer is offering.Learn attraction marketing from people who are using it right now - study the principles of lead generations, such as reciprocity, curiosity, and urgency, and you can reap the rewards of this powerful concept.

Two Sisters Gourmet - What We Know About the Two Sisters Gourmet MLM Opportunity

MLM is a social networking program you might wish to be involved in. Times are tough, which means jobs are hard to find. If you need extra cash or a full time job Two Sisters Gourmet might be of interest. MLM is a company that used the party concept to sell products. Programs that have been around for a little longer include Mary Kay and Tupperware parties. While these are not part of MLM they are the same concept, so if you understand these concepts you already know a little about MLM.The concept is simple. You have products you wish to sell and you use parties to do so. It takes the use of friends and family to get you started. You can also advertise to get other clients whom you might not know as well. Basically, you will have a person that is willing to host a party. With Two Sisters Gourmet you will sell their food products. Two Sisters also has candles, fragrances, home accents, and wedding products that you could sell. You will bring the food products to the house of the party giver. In turn they will invite their friends and family.During the party you will use the food as appetizers and snacks to gain their interest. You will then begin to introduce what you do, what you sell, and why you are doing it. For the MLM opportunity you have to be comfortable in front of friends and family as well as strangers as a sales person.Under Two Sisters Gourmet one sells breads and cheeses, desserts, preserves and salsas, sauces and mustards, and seasonings. The gourmet food is more about appetizers, desserts and options to spice up one's own food.Now that you understand what it is and how it works, it is important to look at whether it will work or not. As an unbiased person who is familiar with the home party consultant process it is imperative to mention that the concept is dependent on you.There are consultants out there who earn the vacations, promotional items, and gifts. At each level consultants have a chance to get prizes. Those who become leaders tend to be successful sellers able to earn the top commissions. It takes time to build a network base and some funds. You will be responsible for buying the products you sell at the parties. There is a basic kit you must also buy.If you can sell, believe in the product, and are committed to the consultant position full time you can make it a career. However, if you do not believe in the product or do not strive hard enough to make sales it will not work for you. It takes time to set up the parties, to learn the products, and to get comfortable. The learning curve should be taken into account when you first start building your consumer base. If you are committed to making extra cash or a full time salary it can work.

Four Internet Tasks For Network Marketers

If you're in network marketing in this day and age then you have to master the art of building relationships the internet way. There are four primary tasks that you can use to build your business, sell your products, and eventually recruit an outstanding team.1. Get a blog. Your blog has to offer focused, outstanding content to its readers. You have to be interesting and relevant. Every company offers a product that solves some sort of problem. Your blog has to provide solutions to common problems. For example, if you're a network marketer who sells travel products you know that there are issues of passports, airline waits, and packing that people need to know about. You could start a blog dedicated to "traveling well" that can both help people enjoy their trips more and get people thinking about their next vacation at the next time. It will also help people get to know you, get to like you, and start trusting you as you learn what you're all about.2. Create an offer and build an e-mail list. Whether you offer a white paper, an e-book, a video series, or a tele-seminar, you can take valuable information and turn it into a reason that people follow you long term through their e-mail inboxes. You've no doubt signed up for several of these yourself. You will then continue to provide focused content to your e-mail list. This list represents the group of people who are most likely to become your reoccurring, long term customers.3. Use video and article marketing to continue building trust and traffic. This traffic should aim back at your blog and your squeeze page containing your e-mail list offer. These marketing tools also provide other places where Google searches can reach you.4. Create a social media presence and use social media to bring all three of the other efforts together. You can forward the content to your audience through Twitter, Facebook, and other social media tools.Internet relationship building is all about providing good information, teaching, and content. Once you provide trustworthy, valuable content then people will trust you to provide outstanding products and the kind of leadership that it takes to forge a true MLM team.


Tahitian Noni Juice Review - Is Tahitian Noni Juice the Real Deal?

Company This is a brand new company that is looking to revolutionize the health and wellness industry. The company was founded by Kerry Asay CEO. The Tahitian Noni Juice is NOT sold in stores. The only way you can get your hands on this juice is through a direct sales distributor.ProductsTahitian Noni's primary product is the Noni Juice. It comes in 4 different flavors. The original bioactive beverage, pure bioactive beverage, extra bioactive beverage and a family beverage. The aim for the different types of beverages is to target each group of people. There is a beverage for children, adults, grandparents, and even extreme athletes. The special ingredient for their juice comes from the Tahitian Noni plan. It is claimed that this special juice shrink cancerous tumors, reduces pain and fatigue, speeds up the healing process, fights colds, lowers diabetic sugar levels, and much more. There is no sugar added to the juices either. You can also buy vitamins, supplements, personal care, and weight management products from the companyBioactive Ingredients?The Noni plant contains special bio active ingredients that help maintain the health of human beings. This plant has been valued by the ancient Polynesians for centuries. It is all about how quickly the soluble compounds can be transported by the blood stream. This juice allows that process to happen very quickly OpportunityThe Tahitian Noni company gives you the opportunity to share this special juice with others and profit. There are several ways you can be compensated with the Tahitian Noni company. There are cash rewards programs. You can even be paid with cars and travel!The one thing you have to know is that with the Tahitian Noni business or any other network marketing business. You need a special marketing system in place to be highly successful in this industry. You need to know the right marketing fundamentals to generate the amount of prospects to be successful.I want to break you of the myths that many people have about network marketing companies and their bad reputations. People flat out fail at everything. For some reason everyone wants to give MLM companies a bad reputation for people failing. It is just like everything else in the world that people fail or should I say quit!In conclusion, Make sure you do your research on this company and any other competitor to this company before joining. Good luck with your business, I wish you all the best!

2010 How is Your Home Based Business Doing?

It has been awhile since my last post. Sorry about that. But 2009 ended with a thud for my family. There were two unexpected deaths - one on Christmas day and the other on New Years Eve.I have been gathering my thoughts and trying to wrap my mind around all of this, in trying to discern what all of this means to me, in the context of business. I believe the revelation has been divine in nature. The answer, at least in part, is that 'time waits for no one'. We have a responsibility to ourselves and our family to move forward and take control in creating the future we desire.The term 'inheritance' appears 239 times in the Scriptures. It is in fact a recognized benefit; yet, more often than not, most have no inheritance given. But we have the power to change this.I continue to be amazed by those that I hear say that they want a home-based business; yet, they stipulate that they 'don't want to sell or interact with people'. The bottom line is the wave of the future is in direct selling or network marketing, all of which involves interaction with people. So, if you aren't a 'people person', chances are you are not going to make it in this industry. I have found this to be a 'fun' industry, unlike the old 9 to 5's. So here is my tip of the day: Don't make yourself or your potential business partners miserable by embarking upon a 'people person' business. After all, aren't we searching for something that enriches our lives and others' and not makes us more miserable?One of the most compelling personal stories I have read is that of Dani Johnson's. She is one of 'the' foremost trainers in [personal development today. And her story, I believe, is one from which we can all benefit. Raised on welfare, pregnant at 17, homeless at 21, she became a multi-millionaire by age 23! Her training transcends any particular business model and can be applied no matter the business you are involved in. Before we can affect change in our lives, we must 'be changed'. If you desire to succeed in 2010 with your business, avail yourself to materials out there that will change your thinking and shift your paradigm.Blessings.........Betty