
MLM Network Marketing Strategies - Low Cost Online Marketing

Once you have started making a little money within your network marketing company using the free MLM network marketing strategies like Facebook, Twitter and social bookmarking, you will want to grow you business faster. This is when you will want to look at some of the advertising and marketing platforms that are not free. Remember to focus and fully develop the free methods before moving on to these options.I am not suggesting that you spend a considerable amount of money on advertising when you are starting off but there a few high traffic sites who have targeted traffic that can become quality leads. This article is not about PPC advertising or banner advertising. It is about paid social media sites like DirectMatches, USfreeads.com and yournight.com.These are membership sites that charge you a monthly fee and in return allow you to market your MLM opportunity or lead capture system to the masses. Paid social media sites that are designed to assist network marketers are new and continually improving their services.USfreeads is a high traffic site that allows you to promote almost any classified type item. Their network marketing and home based business section is very active both with advertisers and visitors. For just $9.99 a month they allow you to post unlimited classified ads providing they are not against their terms of use and they are not duplicated from elsewhere on the site. They also broadcast you MLM ads to Bizz-Wizz.com for free.Directmatches is a great lead generating website that is also a network marketing opportunity. My suggestion with this site is to become a Free member and then slowly increase your marketing as you like. Their consumer package is also $9.95 per month, which is a great value for this type of highly targeted visitors. This is truly a social media site worth the time and money to market within.Lastly, I would like to talk about Yournight.com which is also a network marketing social media site that is very new. It promises to becomes similar to Directmatches providing it can work all the pre-launch and launch bugs and growing pains. It too costs in the range of $10 per month so if they reach critical mass like the others it will be a great place to look for business partners and leads.As you develop your MLM network marketing strategies you will want to look for low cost advertising options. I would suggest using these 3 monthly subscription services to extend your reach and standing within the network marketing community. Low cost marketing sites like these allow other to duplicate your efforts which is required for successful network marketing development.

