
Free Network Marketing Leads

I know you have probably read several ways to generate free network marketing leads. I'm going tell you what works for me. The first thing you need to do is set up a lead capture page. What is a lead capture page? It's a website where your visitors submit their name, email address and phone number on an opt-in form in order to receive something that you're giving away. E-books are a very good source to offer your prospects. What you are actually doing is building your list and building a list is powerful.Now that you have your capture page all set, the second thing you want to do to generate free network marketing leads is write an article. This is a very powerful strategy. You're probably asking, what do I write about? Write about anything, but make sure it's something that relates to your product or service. Your article should be at least 500 words, but no more than 750 words. Once you have your article written, the next thing you want to do is post them on Article sites such as EzineArticles, ArticlesBase and ArticleDashboard. Make sure there is a clickable link in the author's bio that leads your visitors back to your lead capture page.The third thing you want to do is post a video on sites such as YouTube, Kewego and Guba. It's easy! Just record a video talking about your product or service. You can also give away some valuable content such as how to generate free network marketing leads! Make sure you put a clickable link to your lead capture page in the beginning of your description.The fourth thing you want to do is start a Blog. One of the best places I found to build a blog page is WordPress. On your Blog you can talk about your business, your product or service or anything that concerns you. Placing an article on your Blog is a very good strategy. You can also have an opt-in form on your blog for your visitors that want to sign up for your newsletter, if you choose to have one. Once again make sure there's a clickable link on your blog that leads your visitors back to your lead capture page. Blogs are very popular and can generate tons of traffic for you.The last and very powerful strategy to generate free network marketing leads is to submit your articles and videos to social bookmarking sites. Onlywire, Digg, Reddit, Del.icio.us and Google are very good social bookmarking sites. Just make sure the heading in your bookmarks are the same as the heading on your article and video.Well that does it. The key is to write one article and record one video every week. Post them on the articles, videos and bookmarking sites. This is one of the best ways that I found to generate free network marketing leads.

