The Truth About a Single Product Company Vs Multi Product Company Revealed
So which one will you choose?Read on to find out how this will impact your success in your network marketing career.Many network marketers have raved about multi-products so that they can market or sell to their customers and that their distributors or the person that they recruit will have a much wider net to cast.While on the other side of the camp, where single product line dominates, there are also network marketers raving on how easy is to market and sell their products. Since there is only a product to focus, their team will have a uniform approach in doing their marketing.So, which one is correct? Is it the single product company or the multi-product company?Well, it's neither of those and here why.If you had not realized, we are in a people relationship industry. Although the products play a part in the marketing process, this is only the minor and not at all significant as compare to the compensation plan and the team your prospect are joining.And since we are in people relationship industry, why not create and build relationship with people around you and find a need and fill it. In this way, if you can find a need in them, then no matter what product you are marketing or which company you are in is secondary.As you probably have heard or seen the famous saying, people join people. This is very true and this is the very basic foundation of doing any business, including network marketing. If you do not go out and network with people, bringing in leads everyday and leveraging on technology like internet, you will be having hard time to build a sustainable business.And if you think your network marketing company that you are in will stay for a long time, think again.The company that you are in now is just a vehicle to your financial and time freedom. They did not employ you; pay you monthly salary with commission to run sales and marketing for them. Instead, it is the other way round; you are helping them build their empire.Why not starting from today, build your own network marketing business revolving around yourself and start finding your USP and do your own branding and marketing to have a group of people who like, trust and believe in you.The only thing left is, have you add enough action to get started?
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