How to Avoid Failure in a Network Marketing Program?
With the internet become very common today, network marketing programs also become very popular. This is because with internet you can reach more people and make more sales. That is why you can see many new network marketing program is introduce almost everyday. No doubt that many people who join network marketing business has success and made a lot of money from their effort. But at the same time many people also fail. There are many reasons why people fail in network marketing but I don't want to discuss it here.In this article I want to discuss about how to avoid failure in network marketing. Here I give you 3 things to consider deeply before you sign any form.1. Make little extra effort to study the company background that you want to join. If it is a local company, visit them and get to know their staff. Talk with the customer if possible. If it is not a local company, visit forum and ask question.2. Make sure you know what product or services that you will promote. What is the commission you will get? Is the product something that all people want? Did they pay you if you invite new people and how much? If you get paid more for bring in new people than your sales, you should be careful. What is the company background? Who behind this company? All of this you have to make sure before you join. Make a check list. It will take time but it's worth it. Most people in network marketing like to force you to sign the form without allow you to check all those items with the reason you have to sign up fast to be a 'leader'.If this is the case, just walk away. This situation happened to me. After the seminar, my friend's up line keep asking me to sign up. I did ask a few question but they refuse to answer by saying that is not important. After a few minute, I just leave them. Remember no matter how good the offer is make sure you check you check list. Your success in network marketing program has nothing to do weather you are the pioneer or not, remember that.3. You have to make sure also the network marketing program that you want to join is something that can be easily adapted to sales by email or internet. Means find program that can be easily promoting online. The reasons are less expensive, with email you can send to many people at one time and your website is available 24 hours. Your website is like you shop. Are you able to open your shop for 24 hours? The answer is no, you cannot open your shop 24 hours, 7 days a week and 365 days a year unless you put it online ( web page). Do take note here that you are not allow to do SPAM. It is not a good etiquette.Here is my suggestion.Create a squeeze page. In the squeeze page write a few sentence that capture people attention. Offer a freebie like an e-book written by someone popular or short course or free newsletter. Make them interested and willing to give their name and email address. This is called list building.Once you get you list you can start to communicate with your subscribers. Remember; do not bombard your subscribers with messages about the program every day. It is like forcing people to join your program and people don't like it. Explain to your subscribes about your product or services that you carry, tell about the product benefit and send testimonial if you have.You are advice to only introduce about your network marketing program after three or four email. Because at this time your subscriber already have some knowledge about the product or services and most importantly they start to know you.
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