When iLearning Global Closed Its Network Marketing Division There Was a Lesson to Learn
iLearning Global was a network marketing company. It billed itself as a learning resource for entrepreneurs, business owners, and network marketers. The company seemed to be doing well. Many networkers became very successful in it. When it ended its network marketing model, many distributors were suddenly out of business.Over the years, other apparently successful MLM network marketing companies have done the same thing, usually with little advance notice. It's sure to happen again, too.While no distributor is ever ready for something like that to happen, some were far better prepared than others.Those who were practicing the old-school style of network marketing of promoting their opportunity and relying on company replicated marketing materials are in a serious situation. They are about to lose their check and all of their hard work. They will have to pick up the pieces and start all over again.However, the smart networkers who learned and practiced modern attraction marketing are much better prepared for the situation. They have been busy branding themselves as a leader, an expert, and the one you would want to be in business with. They have built a team of people who have joined to be in business with them rather than with the company. They own their database of business partners and know how to use it.I personally know of several who quickly and methodically moved their team to a new company and replaced their income in a matter of days.Everyone in network marketing should be asking themselves these questions:1. What will I do if my company calls it quits tomorrow?2. Have I shown myself to be a leader, an expert, and one who gives without expecting something in return?3. Will my team follow me to another company?Prepare yourself for the possibility that your company may be next to pull the plug. The lesson to learn is that people don't join companies, they join people. Stop promoting your company. Start branding yourself.
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