
Buying Leads Vs Generating Leads - Part 1

Do you have any leads for your business? If you do, how much money are you spending? What's your ROI (return on investment)? If you are like most network marketers, you have spent money on leads and had a very low return on investment.Why? Because paid leads are low quality leads. They maybe overused leads which been bombarded by other home business opportunities. Paid leads are people looking for a quick fix who do not understand the work ethic it takes to be successful.Paid leads are more likely to be tirekickers who are lazy and want to be sold a dream. They do not want to work for it. Plus, the lead list that you are sold, you do not own! So once it is used up, it goes right back to the company that sold it to you.Let's take a deeper look into the cost of paid leads and how the cost can add up very quickly. I'm going to assume that you do not have a whole lot of money to be spending here. I mean, unless you are Lil'Wayne himself, any dollar you spend is very important.When you ask your upline about how much money you should spend on leads, you probably going to be told "you'll need to spend between $300-$500 a month on leads". Whoa! $300-500 a month on leads!? And you just joined your present opportunity by dropping almost 300 dollars, plus a monthly autoship of at least $100. Don't forget, you've got other bills to pay here. Wasn't the point of joining a network marketing company to make money from home, not waste money?So let's just say that you spend $42 on a lead package where you get 30 leads and you have a closing ratio of 10% (for the sake of argument). So you bring in 3 people per 30 you go through and that costs 42 bux a pop! And let's also say you wanted to bring in 24 people in the next two months. When figure out your total cost to do so, it would cost you over $300 to do that just using paid leads. That is an extra $300 dollars you have to pay in addition to your other expenses.When you have gone through all of your paid leads, and 3 people joined you, guess what? You've got to spend more money for the same amount of people. Hopefully your company pays you pretty well to offset the cost. Hey I wanted to make more money, not spend more!What you have is a vicious cycle of losing more money than you make. That is so not cool yo! Don't get me wrong here though. The vast majority of network marketers start out by buying leads. Shoot, I did. But I also didn't make a lot of money doing so.So, since I just bad mouthed buying leads, and making it seem like a sin, you might be asking yourself "Ok, since I shouldn't buy leads what do I do?" Well, the answer to that my friend is to generate your own leads.I'll be revealing some cool FREE methods in part 2 of this topic. Stay tuned!

