Network Marketing With Integrity
When you tell people what you do each day do you feel good about sharing the network marketing aspect of your life? If you don't, and if every conversation about network marketing represents nothing more than a desperate sales pitch, then this is a sure sign that your company doesn't operate with the kind of integrity that is in line with your personal moral values.What will a network marketing company that has integrity look like? First, they will sell something that has real value. Too many network marketing companies focus on recruitment to the exclusion of product. The product becomes so much smoke and mirrors, and that is when you get a house of cards that all falls apart. In short, the only consumers at the company are people who are "working" for the company. That's not sustainable. Companies sell things. That's how they survive. If the thing they are selling doesn't have any quality then all that's left is hype-which by its very nature lacks integrity.Second, the company will have a strong focus on building relationships, both with customers and team members. They will not be focused on giving the next cheesy sales pitch. A network marketing company with integrity will truly want other people to succeed and work hard at providing solutions that are relevant to their lives. This means avoiding the "Get Rich Overnight" mentality in favor of providing solid service. It also means spending the time to get in the trenches with your team in order to foster their success and help them carry out right principles.One business that offers this mentality is Pyxism, a network marketing company that is rapidly expanding by offering first class travel solutions to vacationers. Whether people who get involved simply enjoy their lovely vacation or decide to build new lives and careers, Pyxism is dedicated to demonstrating integrity each and every day.
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