3 Tips For Writing Great Subject Lines in Your Emails to Grow Your Network Marketing Business!
When you're a network marketer, the secret to building your network marketing business online effectively is to be able to build a huge prospect list and more importantly persuade them to join your business opportunity through email marketing.Before you can persuade your prospects to do anything in your emails however you must get them to read the darn things.That's where the subject line comes in, and why it's so important to be able to craft an effective one. Read on to learn how to do this like a pro...How to Write Subject Lines that Force Prospects to Open Up and Read Your Message...Let's face it, if your prospects don't open your emails, no matter how great and persuasive your email is, it makes no difference. That's why it's so vital that you work hard at getting your open rates for your emails up, and keep improving on that skill.Here Are 3 Tips that Will Shortcut Your Learning Curve and Propel Your Network Marketing Business...1) Use Curiosity... Curiosity may have killed the cat but it made the network marketer rich. Humans have a really hard time with loose ends, and curiosity is the string that pulls the loose end to a close.Using open ended curiosity headlines will almost always get a high open rate, but there's a huge and vital rule that must be important. The rule is that the email body must climax the curiosity and it must be relevant. Don't try to be sneaky and use curiosity just for the sake of using it. Make it count and make it payoff for the reader or they'll unsubscribe from or ignore your emails forever...2) Use Benefits... Benefits tell the emotional part of the brain that there's something really good in this for me. It's almost like a magnet and the emotional part of the brain (the right side) will then tell the logical side (the left side) that it's in its best interest to open the darn email and enjoy the payoff.3) Make Your Subject Line Short... A lot of people will make the mistake of coming up with a great subject line that will never get seen. The reason is that a long subject line will get cut off at the end. So make your headlines short enough that it will fit within about 60 characters or less. If not then at least put the benefit that the reader will get in the beginning of the subject line so that at least that is seen by everyone.So there you go, there's three ways to get more of your emails to prospects read so that your network marketing business will grow like wild fire.
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