
Downline MLM Network Marketing - The 7 Biggest Reasons Your Downline Quits

As a business owner, you determine how successful and how unsuccessful you will be, and keeping your downline happy, motivated and properly trained is the key. Below is a list of reasons most recruits quit their first year.Pressured to make a list of all their friends and familyAlthough this is a huge practice in the network marketing industry, this will drive your downline to quitting faster than any other practice out there. If you have ever tried this tactic you know exactly what I'm talking about. Your friends and family are the worst people to throw a sales pitch to.I have spent a lot of money and have very little or no return on my investmentDon't push your new recruits to buy a bunch of junk. Remember these people are new and excited about their new business opportunity, and will probably buy any and every business training dvd, brochure and anything you offer. They don't know yet that most of the training given by most MLM companies is completely useless to them and does more harm to their business than it does good. After about 6 months of hard work and showing little to no return on their investment your recruit will probably start giving up on their business.Pressured to meet their quotaSome companies put a lot of pressure on new recruits to meet a quota and if they don't meet it they are penalized. Some companies feel that this is a motivator and actually it does the complete opposite. This tactic alone not only runs new recruits off, it can keep good prospects from joining your company.Fear of talking to peopleI'm not a salesperson. I fumble my words when trying to talk to people face to face. They lead me to believe I wouldn't be like a salesperson and now they are pushing me to be one. Not only have I heard this alot, I just explained myself as a salesperson. I have struggled with this and it has never slowed me down as a network marketer. There are a lot of ways around this. The tactics I have adopted and teach do not force you to be a sales person like most companies want you to be, and I rarely have to sell anything face to face.Nobody wants to hear anything I have to say when they find out I am in Network MarketingThis is very common for most people. Network marketers have been trained to not take NO for an answer, because of this horrible sales strategy network marketers are looked at as scammers or con artists. These kind of sales tactics have ruined the chances for a newbie to profit using these strategies. The bad thing is, most companies are still teaching this destructive strategy.I have done everything I was told to do and it isn't workingDon't tell your recruits it is because they are not motivated enough or that they lack the drive it takes in this business. Most of the time it has nothing to do with motivation and has everything to do with outdated, broken down sales tactics. If you are struggling with these sales tactics, how is anybody in your downline ever going to learn to be successful using them.I started out good but now my recruits are quittingThey to are probably struggling with all or some of the problems mentioned above. Without an easy workable system with proper training and mentors along the way your downlines chances of survival in this industry is less than 1%.Your downline is your ticket to success. If they succeed, you succeed. Whenever you are competing, whether it be sports or business, technology is always on the side of the winner. If you choose not to keep up with technology, your business will suffer. Network marketing can be a very lucrative business if ran properly. If you are having problems retaining your recruits then leave the old strategies that your upline is teaching you behind and adopt a new strategy for yourself and your downline. Remember this is your business not your uplines business and it is up to you to keep it running and make it profitable.Learn how to turn your downline into a well educated network marketing machine by teaching them how to leverage technology and to grow their business using some of the most cutting edge strategies known.

