
Melaleuca Fraud? My 8 Years As a Melaleuca Customer

You found me because you typed in one of these keywords -- Melaleuca fraud, Melaleuca scam, Melaleuca truth.So from that I'm guessing that you are either thinking of either purchasing some products or want to follow their marketing plan to build your home business. I want to share my experience with Melaleuca The Wellness Company with as many people as possible so that you'll all know what you are getting into. You're probably asking yourself, "Will I lose money?" or "Will I make money?" or "What's the risk?"The Internet is like the lawless days of the old West when everything was wide open. There are plenty of unscrupulous people out there who will report that something is a scam just to drive people away from it and try to draw them into whatever it is that they are trying to sell.My family and I have been using Melaleuca products for 8 years. So here's the straight scoop from us.Will I lose money?Well, you can -- but not very easily. There is only one way that you can lose money with Melaleuca, that is to order products and not use them and not send them back. That's the only way. Period, exclamation point. It's a members only program, like an online Costco or Sam's Club, everything, including the very small membership fee is refundable for 4 months. All products purchased are fully refundable, you can use the whole bottle or package and send it back and get all your money back, including tax and shipping charges.Will I make money?Both the products and the profit sharing plan are outstanding.Winning or losing is entirely your choice because it all depends simply on how much time you want to spend. Melaleuca products are proven safe, healthy, do the job they say they do, prices are very low, and they do not harm the environment -- outdoors or indoors. They have a 95% re-order rate -- meaning that every month 95% of the people who order in one month will order again the next month. Whether you just want to buy a few products or you want to participate in their profit sharing plan as well, you simply cannot lose -- unless you try to.What's the risk?The only risk that we can discover is yourself. If you just buy products and don't use them, and don't bother to send them back for a refund, you would lose. There is of course a risk to your health if you don't bother to take charge of your own nutrition.Having and maintaining a fit and healthy lifestyle is not just for athletes and fitness fanatics. It is a concept whose time has come for everyone. The industrialized world has flirted with fast foods, processed foods, and nutrition deprived foods for several decades now. At a time when we have the knowledge of what we need to be fit and healthy, the world has hit rock bottom in disease and ill health. Rich nations are overloading on junk food, while poor nations are starving.

