
Network Marketing Leads Generation - Secrets to Online Relationship Building on Autopilot

There are so many different ways to build an online relationship with your prospects. Some like to use the telephone to follow up. Some love to use social networking tools like Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and YouTube. Some use email auto responders. It just varies depending on the type of product or service you happen to be promoting. Regardless of what method you are using, you still need leverage in order to maximize your results. The act of generating network marketing leads alone is one powerful leverage in of itself. But it is the following up part that most online network marketers are struggling with.Have You Heard of Online Relationship Building With Your Opt-In Prospects?Out of all the prospects who have opted into your landing page offer, how many of them do you really follow up on? The follow-up strategy secrets that I am about to reveal are so underutilized by today's internet network marketer. Here are the strategies as follows:Installing a Tell-A-Friend Software in Your Email MessagesWhy is this important? Just think about it for a second. People are searching online for information that can benefit them in a huge way. That is why they have opted into your particular landing page offer because your offer was very specific to their needs. And most people are always in a content sharing mode. What does that mean?It simply means that if they encounter something really interesting, they will go out of their way to share it with a friend via email. Are you aware that this is exactly how Hotmail has built their loyal email usage into the hundreds of millions of subscribers? Hotmail already has demonstrated the power of the viral marketing components of email. Why not it be you who leverages this medium as the perfect communication channel for solving your customer's problem?Installing a Twitter and Facebook Icon In Your Email MessagesEncouraging your prospects to follow you on these social networking sites is one of the most painlessly easy ways to follow up with them in an entertaining way. After all, Twitter and Facebook are considered entertaining communication channels that effectively brand you and your network marketing company.An Incredibly Hot Online Relationship Building Tip That Network Marketers Need To UseThis strategy involves converting your auto responder messages into a video format on YouTube and uploading it onto your Facebook page. Why is this strategy incredibly effective? Statistics currently reveal that a high percentage of your prospects can easily overlook your follow-up auto responder messages. But one thing that they will never skip is the following: "Hey Gina..Your Friend Pam Just Uploaded A Video On Facebook." Now can you see how eye-catching this message is?

