
MLM Quitters - Why 95% of New MLM Recruits Quit Your Business Within Their First Year

Network marketing can be a very lucrative business if the proper techniques are used to build your business. 95% of all network marketers quit with in their first year of business. Some quit because they are to lazy to do the work that it takes to succeed in a home based business, but most quit from the lack of proper training.Skilled trainers in the network marketing business are far and few between. The biggest problem is their are a lot of people out there with a few recruits and a few hours of company training that actually think they are qualified trainers. This is usually not that persons fault. MLM companies push new associates hard to preach to everybody they meet about how good their business opportunity is, and as soon as they get a new recruit they need to immediately start training them. This can be a very difficult situation for those that are fresh in the business. New recruits usually don't have a clue unless the have been in network marketing before.If you want to get a lot of recruits and keep them it has to start with you. Having a good solid training program of your own is the key to keeping your downline happy. Your company or your upline may be telling you that they have one of the best training programs in the industry. If they are not teaching web 2.0 marketing strategies, YouTube, Facebook, blogging, article marketing and search engine optimization strategies, then you and your recruits fall into the 95% chance of failure category.Using web 2.0 strategies, video marketing and learning SEO skills isn't really a choice if you want to succeed in the network marketing industry, it is a necessity. If you want to succeed in this business you owe it to yourself to find out how thousands of people around the world are dominating their companies in a fraction of the time it takes others.

