
Emotional Triggers and Your Networking Business

If I gave you a million dollars that you can look at but never spend, it wouldn't do you a bit of good would it? Money, in and of itself simply does not mean anything. It's being able to give back to others, help our friends and family, provide for our children, where we get to go on vacation, enjoying personal freedom, having a nice car, buying our dream home, etc... that means something.Those examples are called "emotional triggers" and they are the type of things we are passionate about. Depending on where someone is in their life and what they are looking for, their passion, their "emotional triggers" are going to be different than yours.Your job as an affiliate or network marketer is to connect with people, find their emotional trigger, and provide a solution to the obstacle that is keeping them from attaining a passion.Let me give you a couple of quick examples using two completely different people with different life scenarios. Let's also assume that you are a network marketer offering a home based business opportunity to people. We'll call the two different people we have a chance to work with Mr. X and Ms. Y.Mr. XMr. X has a really good paying job, a nice house, and takes his family on great vacations. If the first approach you take with Mr. X is to try and sell him, and talk TO him based on money, is he going to sign up with you? Probably not because it isn't an emotional trigger for him. You are just another person trying to make money off of him.If however, you take the time to get to know Mr. X, you'll find out that he is really miserable at his job. He doesn't feel any passion or excitement for what he is doing. His personal life is fulfilling but his work life doesn't have any purpose.Now, instead of trying to sell him, you talk WITH him about a way that you can help him to have a purpose filled work life. Now you have hit an emotional trigger and he will listen to you.Ms. YMs. Y is broke. I mean really broke. She has two kids and is working really hard to support her family but it's rough times and she can barely put food on the table, let alone keep the lights on.If you don't take the time to understand her situation and the first thing you do is start trying to sell and talk TO her about making all this money, going on great vacations and buying a fancy car, do you think she is going to sign up with you?If you said yes, you are wrong, and I will tell you why. First of all she doesn't feel validated as a human being because you just came across as another person trying to make money off of her. Enough of the world treats her like another number and she doesn't need it from you.The second problem is the approach was way to high concept. You can't talk to someone about extravagant luxuries when the thing that is on their mind, the thing they are passionate about right now, is paying a light bill and putting food on the table for their family.If however, you take the time to talk WITH Ms. Y, about how you have a way that can help her pay the light bill without having to struggle and worry about whether or not there will be food on the table tomorrow, you will hit an emotional trigger, and she will listen.Emotional Triggers are not limited to one on one conversation!The great thing about emotional triggers is you can write articles, blog posts, Facebook posts, etc... directed at individuals with specific problems that you have a solution for.I wrote this article to provide value to people in general, but I also wrote it with a second intention.If you are someone who is struggling to really turn profits with your business and you aren't sure why, this article may have hit an emotional trigger for you, and if it did, that means I am providing a solution to an obstacle that is blocking your path to a passion.I want you to know that I have more to offer you, and whether we work together or not, I would appreciate the chance to get to know you and share with you, what I have to give.

